Thursday, August 4, 2022

FAN-FICTION CONTEST August Origin Story: St Michael

ID: 14267

I was born from nothing along with my countless legions upon legions of a number of which no mere mortal human could fathom. We born tasked God our Benevolent creator oversee look after his creations and safeguard his heavenly kingdom. God show us his plans for creations it was good and beautiful. I accepted my task to oversee watch over and safeguard and protect my father’s creation. But one sibling did not the first-born beloved son of the fathers beloved Morningstar, Lucifer Said “I will not serve lesser beings we are far superior and I’m no servant or slave to no one not even you Father!” With that my family became divided between the ones severed our father and creator and my elder brother. War broke out in heaven shook lighting covered tears filled the heavens, tears from Our father’s loss and sorrow of his creations. I fought and my spear driving into countless of my brethren. I met up Lucifer and we engaged combat both evenly matched blow for blow and counter with counter. Suddenly a deep chasm opens me, and my faithful brethren cornered the betrayers at chasm. Suddenly a strong gust wind blew and blew all of them into the chasm. Lucifer however had not fallen completely into the bit I drew my spear pierced him chest throwing down in deep bit. As watched in horror as my lost brethren were became disfigured and their once majestic wings became stained and singed black. I heard cries of agony I looked away. Lucifer yelled,” your creation will be mine and I will reign over them, and they will follow me, and they rise up against you I will reign overall.” And with that chasm closed up and with that the time my father’s creation began he created with such purpose and precision and beauty, and it was good. The last of his creation man. My also realizing and not wanting the human to be lonely, decided fashion new creation from the flesh of the man called it woman and it was good. My father spoke to them and said in this garden their countless fruit and plant to eat you however will not eat of the fruit of the middle of the garden. But dismay they were tricked and deceived by my brother to disobey. They were cast out of the garden. I was tasked to foreseeing their exile. Over countless years grew and multiplied. Till day I don’t know why my father created the fruit in the center perhaps to as test of loved him freely, I still do not know that aside over centuries I watched over the earthly domain with fellow brethren. Over centuries my father’s creation continued. My Father then did something never done created a human in his likeness and image. But that tale for another time a tale I’m sure most of you know. To this day I still faithfully and forever watch over earthly realm protecting and fighting the darkness and deceit my brother spread forever more till end of days. Once upon a dark stormy night. I had just got done with a demon raid in Central Park, New York. I get so tired night raids what's with demons causing trouble at night instigating trouble and evil among the humans. All sudden my brother Gabriel comes flying toward rapid speed says "your need immediately in Ukraine war the war there is getting worse demons have infected most Russian army their lies and hate and evil. The atrocities casualties are getting worse. They are taking to by killing children and blowing up schools and churches." I will as I leaped into the air and big flap of my wings; I reached the Atlantic Ocean. I pressed on as reached the Iberian Peninsula. Then finally touched down eyes I could not believe my eyes. What once was glorious city filled history great structures was in ruins and flames. I saw a community center that was filled with injured just then I saw missile cruising toward building. I rushed head on into missile and my arms I redirected the missile away saving people inside. i couldn't believe sure hate must take to try to commit such act against injured people, woman and children, oh the children such innocents it sicked me to my core. I pressed on towards the frontline before me was Russian army that was escorted be massive horde of demons. Just then God spoke to me you're not ready for this yet and me and some the angels to different dimension. You fight evil and grow and strength power and knowledge then I will send you back to fight the final battle. Till then train my child this is a Universe of Heroes Rising go forth make allies and grow and strength and one day you shall return fight the final battle.

God bless the people of Ukraine