Saturday, April 4, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Hopping Heroes Part 2

Part 2

Director Nova finished his dinner and scanned through the data coming in from their agents on the field. Information scrolled across all the monitors with images popping up now and then. Every few seconds there would come a negative beeping sound that meant the report was a dead-end, no Hooded Man.
Chase watched the data, “At least he’s not causing any trouble.”
“I know. Though, if he were causing trouble, we might be able to stop him.”
“How on earth are we supposed to stop him? If he’s gathering power, he’ll have grown much stronger than when we faced in back in Oklahoma. He almost obliterated us there.”
“There is a way to stop him,” Nova stated.
Chase shook her head, “What makes you so sure?”
Nova said, “I know. There are details about him I now realize. Details that mean we have a chance to beat him.” Typing in a special code, he accessed a comm channel.
On the main screen, both Gar and Gamma-Ray appeared, standing near a Japanese Garden. Gar spoke first, “Director, we’re still searching for evidence of the Dragon and Phoenix.”
“Good. Any signs of the Hooded Man, anything at all?”
Gamma said, “No. We have sent our hourly reports. You know we haven’t seen anything.”
“Trust me, you need to be careful. I believe he’s likely to show up there soon.”
Gar asked, “What makes you say that?”
“Let’s just say that he has a vested interest in finding the Phoenix.”
Just then there was a huge crash outside the door of the war room. Chase quickly left to investigate.
Gar came in closer to the screen, filling the giant monitor with his face, “What’s going on?”
“Nothing to worry you. Keep me advised, BADGE out.” He clicked off the monitor.
Chase came back holding something, “I don’t know what’s going on, but a monitor station outside was knocked over and the robot fixing it said that there is a path of damage leading all the way back to the elevator.”
Nova cocked his head, “What?” Then he glimpsed what was in her hand, this drew a heavy concern out of him, “What is that?”
She held up a decorated Easter Egg, “I found this near the damage. The robot said it wasn’t there before.”
Nova gained a disgusted sneer, “Oh, dear god. Lockdown BADGE. Tell the robots to secure all sensitive locations. Tell the laboratories to seal tight, especially any with delicate materials.”
Chase grew worried, “What is it? Are we in danger?”
“In a way. Just get to it, he moves fast.”
Chase ran down the corridor and came across several new scenes of destruction. Potted plants toppled with dirt sprawled across the ground. Computer stations, face down on the floor, smashed. There was even a full light fixture dislodged and scattered everywhere. At each location, a robot was curiously examining a brightly decorated egg.
She stopped at the entrance to the Med Labs. Peering in, she saw Dr. Henderson, “Lock this place down, seal the doors.”
“Just do it. Something is tearing up BADGE” No sooner had Chase said this did she hear an enormous crashing sound from another room.
The doctor quickly sealed the door and locked up her equipment. Chase returned to the hall and crept toward Storage Room Four.”
A voice came out of the room, “NOVA! NOVA! COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!” Then another crash. This time Chase could see a whole rack of Exo-Wintersuits falling down.
Crouching low, Chase slunk into the room as silent as a thief. More racks of costumes and clothes were toppled and then something else fell over spreading power link cubes all over the place. “Oh, drat! Oops! Dangit!” as each item fell, he uttered another annoyance. Then he yelled, “NOOOOVAAAA!”
Chase paused as she heard movement. Whoever...or whatever this was would pass her. She materialized one of her magic shuriken and just as he passed, she threw. The blade pinned a compression shirt against a wall while a white blur blasted right past her and out into the corridor.
Chase was beyond stunned, “Good lord, it’s fast.”
