Sunday, April 26, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Jinn Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Growing Ambition

The years passed as the armies of the Ottoman Empire captured more lands and further diminished the power and size of the Byzantine Empire. Bey Orhan Bin Osman led this expansion with great skill and surprising success. No one in Bursa, outside of a single city guard, had any idea who or what Jinn was. However, the sight of gaining power seeped into the darker side of Jinn and he enjoyed his work more and more with each passing victory.
On a bright, sunny day in Bursa, the generals were once again gathered around the planning table, curious as to their next move.
Bey Orhan studied the map, “We have conquered Balikaser and Ankara, our reach grows. But, I am still anxious to conquer Constantinople.” He pointed to the large city to their north.
The General said, “This is not wise. They may be weakened, but they are still strong enough to route us if we get close. We should focus ourselves on Bythnia, we are certain of victory there.”
A younger general said, “What of the death of Emperor Andronikos III? If his general, Kantakouzenos takes the throne then he will unify the Byzantine forces against us again. We could lose what we’ve gained.”
Orhan nodded, “Yes. I worry about that as well. They are strong, but splintered right now. If they unify, we will not stand well against them.” He turned to the man standing in the corner. “What say you, Jinn?”
Jinn strolled over and looked at the map. “I see you have news coming...right now.” Just then a door opened and a boy nearly hit the floor he was breathing so hard.
“What is this?” A general barked.
The boy held up a scroll, “For the Bey!”
Jinn took the scroll and handed it to Orhan. The Bey read it and as he went over each word his smile grew. “How incredibly foolish!”
“What is the news, my Bey?”
He set the letter on the map, “It seems that the late Emperor's wife and his General differ on ideas about who should rule. In a poor attempt to maintain a dynasty, they have put an eight year old child on the throne, young Palaiologos the Fifth.” This drew some gasps and even laughter in the room.
Jinn came over to the table and kindly said, “And, with such a bold and foolish move, the divided lines among the people will grow wider. They will turn from arguments to weapons. Civil war is inevitable.”
The young general declared, “Then we can walk in and conquer them!”
“No.” Jinn said.
“What!” The general yelled and then bowed his head in fear of his ruler.
Bey Orhan said, “What say you Jinn? Do we attack when they are weakened?”
“No. They will destabilize themselves. In this weakened state you can take over more of their lands, but not their heart. Not yet.”
“This is madness!” An older General said, “If our enemy is at their own throats, we should use this opportunity to end them.”
The Bey calmly said, “Has my friend been wrong ever? For twelve years he has proven correct in every word he speaks. Now, listen to what he has to say.”
Jinn nodded, “If we attack them now, during their time of unrest, we will cast ourselves as the villains in the world's eyes. Every nation who has stayed out of this conflict will join...against you. They will see you as the bully. Use this time to weaken their outer defenses, shrink their lands, but don’t take their capital. In time, it will be ours...yours. But, for now, heed my advice.”
Bey Orhan nodded to the generals, “And we shall heed his advice. Prepare our plans for war, let Jinn see them and decide what will work.”
The generals bowed and each gave Jinn a disgruntled look. This was the first time they were forced to report to him. However, it would not be the last. Jinn gained more than the role of advisor to the throne, now he controlled the military council.
Years passed and every battle went as planned. The Ottomans lost some conflicts, but ultimately they were more successful than their enemy. Jinn had decided not to give them every victory, as that might draw the attention of his superiors. But, as the Ottoman Empire grew, so did his deep seeded passion for power.
Bey Orhan passed away at the age of 81, his most trusted friend standing at his side. The knowledge of who Jinn really was passed to the heirs of the throne. Generation after Generation, they would all come to trust this ally more than any other in the world.
A beautiful woman walked through the gleaming new palace, she carried a large, flat basket brimming with candied fruits and nuts. Passing the Sultan's quarters she rounded the corner into a luxurious room filled with pillows and fine decorations. To one side, set up almost like a shrine, was a table with cloth and candles surrounding the Obsidian Bottle.
Around the room were several servant women, dressed seductively as they went about their work. One played a lute while another danced beside her. The third cleaned the dust from the expensive artifacts lining a shelf. Jinn sat in the middle of a thick pile of pillows.
“Ah, you brought them to me. Grand. Come.” He caressed a pillow.
The beautiful woman sat near him and set the basket beside her. Picking up a candied date she carefully placed it on his lips and he ate it down. He gave her a lusty look as he enjoyed the fruit. “I have to say, the women here have grown on me over the decades.”
She tittered at him, not understanding what he said clearly, and offered him another bite of food.
Just then two palace guards came in with a regally dressed man between them. The women in the room all stopped what they were doing and bowed low to the ground so that their foreheads touched the floor.
“Ah, Sultan Mehmed, come, have some fruit and nuts. This servant has brought more than I will eat.” The guards were astonished at the candid words to their Sultan, but neither said anything.
Sultan Mehmed laughed, “I see you find your new accommodations here in Istanbul to your liking.”
Jinn laughed, “Istanbul...what a name. I prefer it called Constantinople.” The Sultan lost his smile at that. Jinn clarified, “I’m not pro-Byzantine, just the name was interesting. However, I am sure that history will remember Istanbul more than they shall the fallen Constantinople.”
“Of this, we agree.” Mehmed clapped his hands, “Leave us, everyone!” The girls quickly left the room, but the guards lingered, “You too. Go, now.” The guards left.
Jinn got up and stretched his arms. He appeared no different today than when he first met Bey Orhan over a century ago. “What do you need today, Sultan? Perhaps a new sculpture to your greatness. I’m feeling generous today, perhaps I shall conjure one made of marble for the palace entrance.”
Mehmed waved a hand at him, “No, not today. It wouldn’t look right to show such opulence while the city is still being rebuilt after the conquest.” He walked over the large open window.
Jinn followed him and both looked down over the sprawling city. Scaffolding could be seen everywhere while the sounds of hammers seemed to never cease. Jinn commented, “I am sure I can rebuild this city in a flash, and your citizens would be no wiser. You know I have the power.”
“True, and your power has given my people much over the years. But, the world is looking at us today. They see our empire growing and they will become fearful if they know what kind of power is behind the throne. I know your limitations, my friend, if they waged an all-out war against us, you couldn’t stop the fall of the Ottoman Empire.”
Jinn smiled, “I am glad you respect my...limitations. However, over the years I have stretched my limitations further and further. I believe, in time, I will be able to give you more than you expect. I believe I might, one day, give you the world.”
Mehmed laughed, “One day, perhaps. Today, my eyes look West, toward Europe. With no enemy behind us any longer, we are poised to take the lands all the way to the Emerald Isles.”
Jinn waved his hand and before them they could see the world grow closer. Castles, villages, roads, cathedrals, and more sped by. “It shall be yours, my sultan. And, I will remain behind this throne, giving you what your heart desires.”
“Be sure you remain behind that throne.” Mehmed stated.
Jinn stopped the vision and it evaporated. “You fear me?”
“Not today, my friend. But, power has a way of changing people. Do not forget that it was only a few years ago that civil war broke out between the children of a Sultan and this Empire was threatened.”
Jinn laughed, “That was nothing. Just a minor issue. I won’t overthrow you. I rather enjoy my position where I...” he paused and looked out the window.
“What is it? What troubles you?”
“I sense someone coming. I sense a power I have not felt in over a century.”
“Should I summon the guards!” Mehmed peered over the city, searching for signs of this person.
Jinn shook his head, “No. He will come to me. I can deal with him if he is a problem. For now, my Sultan, see to the reconstruction of your new Capital.”
“I will do as you ask. Good day, Jinn.” The Sultan left him.
Jinn remained at the window, squinting in the bright sunlight. “Who are you?”
