Saturday, April 25, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Jinn Chapter 4

Chapter 4: A Taste of Victory

 The Bey Orhan sat on a rug in the general’s tent near Nicomedia. Two of his generals sat with him while Jinn stood nearby, watching out of the tent flap.
“Bey, our scouts have spotted the enemy approaching from the Sea of Marmara.” One general stated.
The other, who was not present at the palace, said, “My men remain stationed near Nicomedia. It remains a Byzantine stronghold, but we will not allow them access to the rest of their empire.”
The Bey smiled, “Then, the enemy must come through us if they wish to bolster Nicomedia. This puts us in the position to combat them. What do you think, Jinn?”
Jinn casually said, “It is a common strategy. But, you will fail. Your men are not well organized, from what I have seen, the enemy is far better organized.”
“WHO IS THIS WHO INSULTS US!” The local general instantly bellowed.
The Bey held up his hand, “He is my...advisor.”
“Do you not trust your own generals in the matters of war?” The first and chief general asked.
The Bey gave him a half-cocked smile, “If my Generals were so well versed in such matters, we would not be still fighting this battle endlessly. It would already be won.”
The generals grumbled under their breath, though they did not dare voice their irritation openly.
The Bey asked Jinn, “What do we do now?”
Jinn turned and said, “Go, prepare your men for battle, generals. Your Bey and I shall ensure there will be victory tomorrow.”
“But...” The local general protested, but was cut off by the Bey.
Orhan said, “Do as he says. I trust he is correct.”
Again they grumbled, but were obedient none-the-less.
The Bey waved a hand at Jinn, “Come, tell me what you have in mind.” He poured a cup of tea and offered it to Jinn.
Jinn accepted, “I sent out a bird to scout for me. I trust your men know the enemy movements, but I needed to see for myself.”
“And what did your divine eyes see, Master Jinn.”
“Master, I like that.” Jinn sipped the tea, “The enemy is not close enough to battle today. They will camp one more night before approaching. Tonight I will send a dry wind over them, and they will grow thirsty. Also, they will gain confidence in victory tomorrow.”
“What will this do for us? An enemy with a full bladder isn’t any less dangerous.”
“True. However, with overconfidence in tomorrow’s victory, they will celebrate tonight. With a dry tongue they shall drink.”
The Bey smiled and then laughed, “They shall turn to wines and spirits to celebrate this.”
“Yes, and being so thirsty, they will drink too much. This will make them much less of a threat tomorrow.”
“This is a good plan, my friend.” The Bey offered him some figs.
Jinn ate and then said, “For your men, once they are prepared for war, I will send a gentle wind to them, one that will lull them into sleep.”
“Why?” There was a trusting tone in the Bey’s voice.
“Well-rested with early sleep, your men will rise and be ready when the half-drunk enemy arrives, they will be no threat to a strong, prepared, rested force.”
“HA! This is a good plan indeed!”
“I am pleased you like it. And I do like these...what are they called?” He held up a fruit.
“That is a candied fig. Enjoy as many as you like.”
“I will.” Jinn ate.

Closer to nightfall, Jinn stood at the edge of the tent and held his hand up so that his palm was below his mouth. He blew across it toward the sea and a golden cloud came out that expanded and turned into a blustery gale for a moment that shifted all the tents in the camp. Once that was gone and a few of the other military men were looking for the source of this gale, he turned and blew again. This time a purple cloud formed and blew toward the tents and beyond. The curious men grew tired quickly and returned to their tents. The soldiers in the armies also grew tired and fell into a deep, restful sleep.
After he had finished, Jinn smiled, “I think I am going to enjoy this job.”
Bey Orhan returned to his tent. He was bruised, cut, his clothes torn, but otherwise he was smiling. His men were celebrating with great noise. Jinn waited for him.
“I see my plan worked.” Jinn said.
“By Allah, I have never seen such a decisive victory! The Battle of Pelekanon will go down in history! They were still skilled, but they were no match for us. Tomorrow, we shall conquer Nicomedia once and for all and the Byzantines will feast on the dust.”
Jinn sat down and waved a hand, causing the tea pot to float over to him. Two cups also joined him and were filled. “Come, rest yourself. You are a mess.”
“Ah, yes, I am unsightly for sure. But, it is the scars gained through victory. Yes, let us toast with a fine...oh, no, no, not a cup tea. I shall send for wine! The best that can be found in this dirty old encampment.”
“Then send for some!” Jinn proclaimed.
Just then the general assigned to this campaign came rushing in. He fell to the ground in a deep bow, “My Bey, I have distressing news.”
“What? Nothing bad could have happened this day!”
“We chased the two generals of the enemy, but they escaped. They were both injured, but still slipped our grasp.”
The Bey was about to say something when Jinn spoke up, “Don’t worry. This gives me a splendid idea.”
The Bey turned and cocked his head, “What plan have you concocted my powerful friend?”
Jinn sipped some tea, “I will see to it that the people of this Byzantine Empire hear word that their generals have died.”
“But, they have not.” The General stated.
Jinn said, “This doesn’t have to be true. After such a defeat when victory was expected, the fears of their people and especially their politicians will be raw. Give them false news of the death of their beloved generals, and they will panic. No enemy is more vulnerable than one who is panicking.”
The Bey asked, “Should we not go and slay them before they reach home, to make this story true?”
“No. In fact, when they return alive, but injured, their people will rejoice, but they will also be scared. Not only will the fear still be fresh in their minds, but their newfound hope will perish when they see their generals in a state of injury. Trust will be eroded, faith will be destroyed, and decisions will be made in haste.”
“I like the way you think.” Bey Orhan said.
The General said, “This is all and good, my Bey. But, how can we be sure this will come to pass?”
“Don’t worry, my old friend. It will, trust me. Now, go and find me the best wine we have in the camp. I wish to celebrate!”
The Bey sat with Jinn and accepted a little tea to cleanse his dusty throat. After a good swig he said, “I believe we will become fast friends, you and I.”
“I feel the same way.” Jinn answered.
