Thursday, April 2, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Hopping Heroes Part 1

Chase walked through the BADGE facility with a covered tray in her hands. She presented her BADGE ID, and the doors of the war room opened. The main monitors were all active with scenes of heroes battling one another in a large arena. It was a spectacular display of powers and strength that had thousands of fans roaring for more. In the center of the monitors, sitting alone, was a single figure.
“Analyzing League Wars?” She approached the director.
Nova remained silent, lost in thought.
“Nova?” Chase touched his arm.
He jerked and finally looked at her, “When did you get here?”
“Just a moment ago. The bots down in the foodservice were worried about you. You have eaten little in the last few days.” She handed him the tray, “They made you this.”
He picked up the lid and found a cheese sandwich with a bowl of soup. “Ah, my normal breakfast.”
“You eat soup for breakfast?”
He smiled, “I picked up the habit when I was stationed in Turkey for a bit. I fell in love with this soup, though the robots never make it quite right.”
“So, how are you doing?”
“I’m fine.” He stirred the soup.
“I don’t mean your health. You’re never sick. I mean, what’s going on? You’ve been sitting in here for days. The League Wars came and went after the whole Leprechaun incident. And here you sit, quietly staring at replays of the matches. This isn’t like you.”
He laughed, “You’ve known me for a couple months and already know everything about me.”
She sat down, “I know almost nothing about you. You’re the most secretive person I’ve met. But, I can tell when there is something wrong. You haven’t been yourself since...well since we talked with the Leprechaun.”
Nova tasted the soup and then added a pinch of salt, “It’s this hooded man, this Jinn.”
“Oh, I see. He’s been off the radar for weeks now. Nothing has come up and that worries you.”
“Yes, it does. Gar and Gamma-Ray have been searching for the Dragon and Phoenix for almost a month now, to no avail. And, we have hundreds of heroes and agents all over the planet and there has been no sign. I can’t imagine that he has stopped moving, that his plans are stagnant. He just gained considerable power from the Leprechaun.”
Chase said, “That’s a problem. We have to put ourselves in his shoes and figure out his next move.”
“A wise course of action, if he were just some criminal or run-of-the-mill supervillain. He’s something entirely different, something we haven’t encountered enough to truly gauge his next move. And that bothers me.”
Chase spent a moment before she said, “And...”
Nova glared at her, “And...what?”
She folded her arms and cocked her head at him, “This is about something else. If you were worried about figuring an enemies next move, you would have these screens covered in the footage of his battles, actions, whatever. You would be running numbers and analyzing data gathered from the heroes who have encountered him. You were lost in thought, and it is bothering you to the point of distraction. Director Nova of BADGE is not distracted.”
Nova ate a bite of the sandwich and spent a moment gaining a rare smile, “You...are good. I knew bringing you here would help harness that cleverness for other things than theft.” He reached over and turned off the screens. “Fine, you want to know something. This isn’t about the battle, or his moves, or his plans, or anything else. This is about a name.”
“A name?”
Chase frowned, “Jen, as in Jennifer?”
“No, Jinn or some people call him Djinn.”
“You’ve heard of him before?”
Nova nodded, “Yes. How I didn’t see this a long time go, I don’t know. But, I have met him. I know what he is capable of, not his powers, but his disregard for life. I don’t want to go too far into detail, but I will tell you I know more than I realized about our foe. That he’s gone silent makes me more worried than I’ve been in a long, long time. What are his plans? Which legendary figure is he going to pick next? What is his ultimate goal?”
Chase thought about that, “Well, he has been following the seasonal legendaries pretty closely. My guess is that he will go after the Easter Bunny next...if there is one.”
Nova nodded, “Oh, there is one. Let’s just hope we don’t have to deal with him. He is...shall we say, interesting.”
Chase asked, “How is it you know these legendaries so well?”
He paused as he looked at her, “You don’t need to know that.”
Near the BADGE HQ entrance, the grasses rustled and a white blur shot between two large tufts. To the naked eye, this area of New York State was nothing but an old thicket of trees and a ragged shed. However, there were two heavily armed guards casually guarding this shed.
One of the two walked in a wide circle around the other. He stopped, checked a sensor device, and then continued.
“Paul, are you going to pace all night?” The stationary guard moaned.
“I’m doing my job,” Paul answered and then checked his sensor again. This time he frowned, “I’m picking up something.”
“What? Another car?”
“No, this is the Alpha signature.”
This grabbed the stationary guards' attention. He came over to Paul and looked at the sensor, “Are you sure?”
“Look, and it’s moving.” He quickly jerked to the side, following something, “Did you see that?”
“No. But, look at this?” He leaned over and picked up a sparkling brightly decorated egg.
Paul scanned it, “I’m picking up trace amounts of this energy. This is just like those coins, but not as strong.”
“Hey, look, it’s cracked. I think it’s hollow.” He broke it open.
Paul backed up, “WOAH, watch it. That might explode or something.”
“Only one way to find out.” The guard barely opened a hole and then dropped it. To their surprise and delight, it produced a small pile of wrapped candy. In fact, it was far more than should fit.
Paul picked up a piece and unwrapped a bit of chocolate. He scanned it, shrugged, and then ate it. “OHMYGOSH, THIS IS AMAZING!” he was lost in the ecstasy of the creamy confection.
The other guard quickly tried a piece and was just as enamored.
Suddenly they both turned when they heard the doors of the BADGE elevator close. This should be cause for alarm, but they were engrossed with enjoying another piece of this decadent delicacy.
