Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Jinn Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Turning Point

1718 CE
Three hundred years passed as the Ottoman Empire grew. Sultans came and went, political rivals fought over the throne at times, and a few usurped their fathers. Northern African came under the Ottoman flag, as did much of what is called the Middle East. Soon, their eyes were on Europe and they began to fight the kingdoms that dominated the Eastern European front.
Through all this, Jinn remained. Each new Sultan was introduced to the magical advisor behind the throne. Jinn remained obedient to his oath to remain distant and allow the humans to grow on their own. However, time tested that oath as did the growing power around him. He was often looked to by the leaders of this growing empire, they may have ruled, but the true power of the throne remained in the hands of Jinn. Greed blossomed in his heart, desire for power grew in his soul.
Sultan Ahmed the Third looked over maps and reports inside his tent. The sounds of many soldiers clanged outside. A general stepped in and bowed.
“Sir, most of the surviving troops have returned to camp.”
“Good, tell them to prepare to break camp.”
The General cocked his head, “To what end, sir?”
“We will be changing our course. Just do as I ask.”
“At once, my Sultan.”
Just as the general left the tent a blue puff of smoke appeared and turned into the figure of Jinn. “Ahmed, what is going on?”
“Jinn, my old friend, it is good to see a smiling face.”
“What has happened? I thought the war with Venice was going well.”
Sultan Ahmed shook his head, “It has taken a bad turn. The Hapsburg forces bested us in Banat. We are forced to withdraw.”
“A minor setback. Trust me, I will make it so you will have victory tomorrow.” Jinn confidently smiled.
“No. I think I don’t want victory in battle tomorrow.”
“What?” Jinn came down to the Sultan, “Have I not given you many great victories? Sure, this was a defeat, but bad things happen. I will see to it, it will be your last.”
“What next? More fighting, more dying. I believe it is time to consider something that my predecessors have not, peace.”
“Peace! How do you grow your Empire with peace?”
The Sultan answered, “The Ottoman Empire is already large, it stretches far. We are feared among nations.”
“Feared, yes. But, the moment you declare peace, that fear will become laughter!”
“I do not fear the laughter of weak fools who only see bloodshed as a means of power.” Ahmed stated, “Has the Ottoman Empire spent so much of its own blood to grow that it knows not how to enjoy a day without killing? No!”
Jinn fumed, “I can’t believe I’m hearing this. Your forefathers would be cringing to hear this! They wanted the world and you are settling for a small portion of it.”
“I want a day without death, my friend. I am sure you will understand. It has already begun.”
Jinn asked, “What have you done?”
Ahmed presented a fancy letter written in two languages the royal seal of the Hapsburg family set in wax at the bottom . “See for yourself.”
Jinn snatched the letter and read it. “A proposal of treaty! With the Hapsburg Kingdom! How are we supposed to conquer Europe if we don’t start with them?”
“I will go no further than this. We will sign this in good faith and honesty, and then honor our word as we head back home.”
Jinn slapped the letter on the table, “So, you expect children to be playing in the streets, the warriors to bend their spears into plows, and the merchants of Venice to come gleefully into your markets to make trade?”
Ahmed ignored the sarcasm and merely said, “Yes, I do.”
Jinn stood at the edge of the tent and looked out across the lands, “Why is everyone scared of going all the way?”
“What was that my friend?”
Jinn said, “My entire life everyone has sought power, but then were scared to take it. I sought power and when my ambition threatened the status-quo of the others, they stole it from me. When I showed them that my power was enough to vanquish even our most terrifying enemy, they instead feared me. Here, I am a god, and still I cannot do anything to stop fools from seeing the whole picture.”
“What is this you are saying?” Sultan Ahmed rose and joined Jinn.
Jinn swiftly turned and stabbed a blade through the sultan's belly, “I am saying that when you want power, you take it.”
“What...have you...done?” Ahmed fell to his knees, blood spilling across the ground.
Jinn transformed into a perfect replica of Ahmed, “I’m going to finish what you started.”
