Friday, April 10, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Hopping Heroes Part 5

EB filled the War Room wall to wall with baskets. Each one was identical to the Easter Bunnies personal basket. Several speedy heroes were zooming in and out as they delivered the baskets all over the planet. Crimson Guardian lined his arms in baskets and then zoomed away.
Chase asked Nova, “Will this work?”
EB bounced around as he watched the baskets going, “Sure thing. Each basket will disenchant the egg when it is put in. Sadly, that means the chocolate will be normal, but I guess it will taste good, anyway. I mean, I made it, so its gotta be good chocolate, I make the best.” He continued bouncing like an energetic puppy that couldn’t sit still.
Nova’s frown was etched on his face, “As long as we don’t leave all this magic around for Jinn to find.”
I HAVE AN IDEA!” EB jumped up and landed on Nova’s shoulder. Nova instantly grabbed him and threw him against a wall. EB deftly hit the wall with his feet, bounced off and landed on the table directly next to Nova, sitting on his stomach grinning. “That was fun.”
I told you, don’t climb on me...EVER!”
You like to yell.” EB casually observed.
Chase said, “What was this idea of yours?”
Oh! Right! I really wanted to give the heroes something nice. You know, since they’ve been through so much because of my kind. They had to fight to free Santa, Cupid was a catastrophe, and Leprechaun betrayed us all. Let’s not forget all the craziness is due to Jinn and his ploy. By the way, I still don’t know why he is doing this. I mean, he was always crafty, and he did that terrible stuff back when he first came here. But never like this.”
GET TO THE POINT!” Nova barked.
Anyway….I want to show the heroes that we mythics aren’t all bad. I know my big egg surprise will be great. But, they are working so hard to find my eggs. So what if I give them something for collecting the eggs? If they find enough of them, they get a special gift from me. Whadaya say? Huh, huh?” He was poking Nova in the arm.
Sounds like a plan. Don’t poke me.”
Sir, we have a communication signal.” A robot stated.
Nova left EB and stood before the large monitor in the middle of the room. “Put it through.”
Suddenly the blue, three-eyed face of Quark appeared. “Oh, Hi director Nova. Just wanted to check in as the team leader for the Egg Hunt in Australia. We’ve found almost all the eggs.” He held up a full basket.
That was quick.”
Quark moved the comm device to show the ducks wandering around his feet, “I had some help by egg experts.”
Nova continued, “Anything to report other than that?”
Nope. It’s all quiet here. I’ll get these back to BADGE right away.”
EB bounded off the table and hopped in front of Nova, bouncing up and down so he was temporarily head height with the director, “You don’t have to do that.” bounce “The eggs are deactivated now.” bounce “Just chocolate, superb chocolate.” bounce “Eat it, it’s awesome!”
Nova caught EB by the ears and held him from bouncing any longer. “Like he said, it’s just chocolate now. Enjoy it.”
Quark smiled, “Will do! Anyway, I’ve heard from most of the teams on the Pacific Front, they’ve cleared their areas.”
Nova set EB on the ground, “We’re getting all-clear reports from most of the world. Just...”
Lights and sirens blared all over the place for a moment, EB yelled and hid behind Nova’s legs. Chase checked a computer tablet, “We’re picking up unusual activity on...oh, I can’t believe this...Easter Island.”
EB hopped around, bouncing off of walls and breaking a couple of monitors, “THAT’S IT! My pièce de résistance.”
Give me a report!” Nova bellowed.
Chase activated a monitor, The Chef was on it with a small team of heroes around him. “BADGE, we have a situation.” He stood aside and showed a towering Easter Egg casting a huge shadow over the Stone Heads nearby. “Sir, we thought we had cleared our area when a new energy signature appeared. It was the largest signature I’ve seen. This is ten times stronger than any of those coins last month.”
Destroy it,” Nova stated.
Uh, sir, we tried that. We did a little damage to the surface, but not nearly enough. This will take a lot of strength to destroy it or even move it.”
Nova stomped over to EB, who was once again hiding behind Chase, “Can you remove the power you put into that thing?”
Uh….no. I designed it special.” EB whimpered.
Nova said, “Can it be moved?”
The thing It was supposed to be a big party. You know, like a pinata, break it and everyone gets the prizes inside.” EB waved his paws in the air and weakly said, “Yay, party.”
Nova let out a controlling sigh and then snatched the computer device out of Chase’s hands. He typed in the emergency code that activated all comm devices across the planet. “All heroes not currently on special assignment, converge on Easter Island. There is an egg to break. When you arrive, The Chef will provide details. BADGE out.”
