Thursday, April 30, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Jinn Chapter 9

Chapter 9: The Obsidian Bottle

A blazing bird landed in the center of Istanbul, flames spilled out across the streets. At this late hour there were few people around, so none were burned. The flames evaporated as the bird transformed into a beautiful woman in a bright red kimono. Her delicate face held a gentle smile as she walked toward the palace.
Two guards met her with weapons drawn. “Announce yourself!” One demanded.
“I am the Lady Phoenix and I mean to enter this palace.” She did not stop walking.
“The sultan is away and has ordered none to enter.” The guard announced.
She paused and gave them both a careful look, “I will not be stopped, stand down.”
They approached to apprehend her when two arrows flew through the air and struck them in the back. They did not die, in fact they smiled and dropped their weapons. The fierce guards both bowed to her, “My lady, you are lovely. May I have a kiss.”
“No, it is I who should kiss her.” The other guard shoved him out of the way.
“Boys, please, I shall allow each to have a kiss once I am done inside, please open the gates.”
They scrambled to obey and pushed the gates aside for her. She bowed to them and walked right in, leaving them to their blissful haze.
Once inside she made her way through the darkened palace. The guards inside were all in a daze of their own. A few sat on the floor and proclaimed romantic poetry, others drank heavily and declared love for someone.
Once inside Jinn’s room, she paused and looked at the large, open window. A man sat on the edge, a bow in his hand, and a set of wings on his back.
“Cupid, you have done a fine job with the guards.”
He flashed that cute smile at her, “It was easy. I haven’t had this much fun in years. Too bad it comes on such a bad day.”
“Yes, it is a sad day. But, we will correct that.”
Cupid hopped down from the ledge, “So, which is his talisman?”
She gently retrieved the Obsidian Bottle, “This is his.”
Cupid gave it a curious look, “With his personality, I expected something more...I don’t know...opulent.”
“His choice was made when his heart was on the right path. However, he has changed.”
Cupid sighed, “Should we not kill him? I know it is a terrible thing to do, but look at what he has done. Not just here, but back on our own world. He is a risk.”
Lady Phoenix was silent for a long moment as she looked at the bottle. “No. We are so few, have lost so much, the plan we have is the right choice. Perhaps it will be enough to bring him around.”
“I remember you saying that before.”
She nodded, “I know.”
Cupid gave the bottle a strange look, “I don’t sense much power in this.”
“It is as I feared. We don’t have time. Come, we must get to him.”
She handed him the bottle and he took off out the window at a fast clip. Approaching the edge, the room filled with mystic fire as she transformed into the Phoenix and flew behind Cupid.
Nova held tight as the Dragon made a large circle around a demolished town square. Ottoman Generals surrounded a chunk of stone that had a map laid across it. Standing near them was The Sultan, or rather Jinn in disguise.
“Get lower!” Nova yelled.
The Dragon swooped around the plaza and the generals all pulled weapons and yelled in fear. Nova executed a precise jump and landed ready to fight. The Dragon rose higher and then circled the plaza, spewing fire that created a ring to trap them.
Jinn yelled, “KILL HIM!”
The generals launched themselves at Nova, but he was far better than they were. Even with enchanted blades, he was able to avoid their strikes and cut them down. His aim was merciless, he killed every single general while his focus was on Jinn. His eyes met Jinn’s as his blade entered the back of the last living general.
The Dragon landed in the plaza, its huge body nearly covering the full circle. In a flash of light, he became a regal man in a shining golden kimono.
Jinn casually strolled toward them. “Ah, Jadid...or do you call yourself Nova?”
Nova held his sword out, “STOP!” a wave of energy came from him and Jinn stumbled back.
After only a second, Jinn gave Nova a clever smile, “You’re strong, I’ll grant you that, but I’m far stronger.”
Lord Dragon commanded, “Stand down, now!”
Jinn gave the man a sneer, “Oh, come now, father, I’m too engrossed in this war to just up and stop.”
“Don’t call me father!”
“I know, you disowned me after I took your throne on our world. I don’t recognize your leadership any longer, I refuse to call you my king. So, I shall call you father. However, that doesn’t mean I won’t try to kill you if you get in my way.”
“How dare you!”
“How dare I what? Be who I was meant to be! I’m Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and soon to be ruler of this world. What does that matter to you? You and the others are content to hide in the shadows, help from a distance. Go ahead, I won’t stop you, just don’t stand in my way.”
Just then EB and Santa arrived. Santa left his sleigh above and joined the others. EB said, “The armies are currently tangled up in some clever traps.”
“Oh, good, the traitor and the rodent.” Jinn commented.
Santa touched the side of his nose, preparing his attack. “I am no traitor, and I am not to be underestimated.”
Jinn scoffed, “You, oh jolly fat man, were the wisest and eldest of my father's generals. You led our armies. Now, you make toys for the brats of this world. And, worst of all, you’ve trapped one of our own in your frozen wasteland.”
“Krampus was insane to begin with. I only kept him from doing more harm. Just like you, we gave him a second chance and he betrayed us. Don’t make us destroy you.”
Jinn laughed, “Oh, the arrogance. The hypocrisy. I’m beyond all of you and you don’t even realize it.” He suddenly clapped his hands together and a wave of purple energy exploded out and sent everyone down.
EB was the first up and threw egg after egg at Jinn. Jinn batted his hands to the left and right, destroying the eggs one by one. With a twist of his body he caught an egg and sent it right back at EB. The disgusting goo inside exploded when both hit a wall. EB was stuck, struggling. “HELP!”
Santa and Nova were running at Jinn when he stomped on the ground and the stones of the street rose up and sent both flying. Santa was caught by his sleigh while Nova turned the air tumble into a gymnastic display as he bounced off of the jutting rock spikes. He avoided stone after stone thrown at him until he came right on Jinn.
Jinn produced a shining blade and met Nova’s strikes one by one. Each sparing with perfection. Finally, Jinn caught Nova’s blade just right and it was thrown away. Nova avoided one more strike, but not the last. The blade entered his chest and he lay out on the ground, gasping for breath.
