Monday, April 6, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Hopping Heroes part 3

Chase shoved her way out of the messy room. Fortunately, this storage room was used for clothing and costumes, so there wasn’t too much damage. She looked up and down the hall in vain, as this creature was much faster than she could believe.
Then she saw it, one of those eggs near the door. Picking it up, she examined the egg itself. It wasn’t a chicken egg, but something else entirely. It was whole, but light in her hand. Pressing a finger against the side, the thin shell cracked and to her surprise, the inside was hollow. Peering in, she saw what looked like jellybeans and a couple wrapped bits of candy.
“What the? Candy?” Before she could investigate, she heard more ruckus and Nova yelling.
Dashing back down the corridor toward the war room, she skidded to a stop and quickly pulled out her id card.
Crash! BANG! “GET DOWN FROM THERE!” The sounds from within were growing and Nova was screaming his head off in a rage.
Finally, inside the room, Chase held the egg in one hand and a shuriken in the other. She was ready to strike when she found Nova standing there with a strange-looking bunny being held by the ears. Nova had a gun out and Chase knew she had little time to help before this thing ran off, so she threw her blade. Before it could meet the creature, it had slipped out of his grip and was hanging from the ceiling, behind a monitor.
“GET DOWN FROM THERE!” Nova bellowed.
The bunny pointed over the swinging monitor at her, “She tried to kill me!”
“Just get down. NOW!”
“I...uh...YIKES!” The monitor swung hard as he scrambled to get down, then the cords broke and both creature and monitor hit the ground in a giant crash. As quick as lightning, the bunny zipped over to the table, standing right in front of Nova, “Sorry bout the monitor. Who's the babe? I don’t like anyone who tries to kill me, but she's kinda hot. Did she throw a blade at me? That was fast. She has good aim. Who are you? I’m EB.” He was talking fast and loud.
Nova, rubbing his temples, holstered his gun, “Chase, meet EB.”
Chase gave both of them a bewildered look, “This thing is what has destroyed half of BADGE?”
Nova almost said something when EB started talking, “I didn’t mean to. Things just break so easy. I mean, can’t someone build stuff to last. Sheesh. Now, I didn’t mean to go hunting everywhere. Sure, I thought my buddy Nova was in here, which is why I first came here. But, he wasn’t. Well, the door was locked, and I thought I heard him down the hall. I have these big ears, you see. It wasn’t him, just someone watching an old recording of him giving this interview after the whole Paris thing with Cupid. Really great interview, I liked it. So strong. They really got your good side. Anyway. I looked everywhere. And, some things fell over, and I just had to find him before cleaning up my mess. You have robots for that anyway. No help in finding you. Then again, people don’t often come to BADGE just looking for Nova, he’s kinda important for robots to just give his position away. Though, I am like one of his best friends, known him forever. I...” Nova grabbed EB and held his hand over his mouth.
“I’m not your best friend,” Nova growled.
Chase had her mouth hung open, “Does it ever breathe?”
“Sadly, yes.” Nova released EB.
EB laughed and thumped his foot for a second as he scratched his ear, “Good one, buddy. Not your best friend, sure, like that could be true. We’ve known each other since...” EB stopped and laughed, “That’s right, you don’t like talking about your age.”
Nova spent a moment collecting himself. Finally, he said, “EB, what are you doing here? Is Jinn after you?”
“Not yet. But, have you seen what he did to Cupid and lets not even talk about what he did to Leprechaun. He’ll be after my power sooner or later. So, what better place to hide out than BADGE? I can make some hot chocolate, we can watch movies. I make awesome popcorn. I take real butter, not that nasty popcorn oil stuff and mmnmmnmnnmnmnmnmnmnm” Nova had covered his mouth again, though he continued talking for a moment.
“BADGE is not a recreation center or a hiding place. We can find you a better place to hide.”
Chase said, “Well, it could be a good...”
Nova quickly interrupted her, “I will shoot you.”
She shut up.
EB pouted, “Fine. But, I know my buddy will find me a good place to hide. Meanwhile, I have a special present for you and all the heroes of Earth.”
“Present?” Nova cocked his head.
“Sure thing. I hid eggs everywhere. Only heroes can find them. And, they have some of the best, most scrumptious candy in them. Plus, there’s a special surprise!”
Chase shrugged, “You hid Easter Eggs...oh, EB, you’re the Easter Bunny.”
EB gave her a dead-pan face, “You just now figured that out?”
Chase held up the egg, “Is this what you’re talking about?”
Nova held out his hand, “Here, let me see that. You get the repair bots activated.”
She handed him the egg and then left the room.
“What is this ‘special surprise?” Nova asked.
“If I told you, then it wouldn’t be a surprise, silly.” EB poked him in the nose, Nova growled at him.
