Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day, Heroes of Heroes Rising

By Chaz Hamilton

February 14th. Valentine’s Day. 
How will your hero be spending the day?

Many heroes have no trouble at all showing their aggressions. How do they show their love? In the Fiction Forum, we have some who have written about the relationships they struggle with. Their Lois and Clark, Peter and MJ, Scott and Jean, Jean and Logan, Scott and Emma, etc., etc.…

Last year in Heroes Rising, we had Cupid acting up. Now that the Mythics (most of them) have left the planet, we need to find our own way to celebrate our hero’s relationships.

Who are the power couples of Heroes Rising? Here are some in-game relationships that have been spun.

Highlander and Fiona: This married couple fights supervillains in Colorado, outer space, and currently they are fighting in a hospital room in Downfall of Heroes. Their love is one for the ages. (Has to be. He is immortal.)

Gerri Star (The Sword of Gerraxia) and James Keebler. She is a powerful elven warrior. He is running a global cookie company. How much sweeter can a relationship get?

Captain Marvel and his ex-wife, Captain Marvel. One comes out on top. The other has been forced to change his name, but everyone knows that the more hate there is in a relationship, it is only there because of the great love that had to have been shared.

Overall, not many heroes come forth with their paramour's identities. More than likely due to the fact that it puts them at a disadvantage. The trope of 'kidnap the heroes loved one to distract them from protecting X' has become a rather overused one.

And of course there is the repeated threat of becoming lovers in the bedroom, enemies on the battlefield plays out almost as regularly. I mean, look at Gar and Chase. They never really ever made it out of the starting gate and were forced to fight in the bowels of Fort Knox and of the East Coast when she was overtaken by Lady Phoenix.

Take into account the number of second generation heroes that enter the story when mommy and daddy both are powerful superheroes. Who wants to deal with an super-toddler, hormonal teen-ager, or genetically psychotic offspring when we have enough supervillains out there already. These uber-children might immediately sign up to join the Legion.

I suppose the best defense from having your heart broken on Valentine's Day is to rarely risk falling in love. It might be safer for the world in general.

Just wait until the 15th and enjoy some half-price chocolate specials. That should take the edge off the loneliness and depression for a little bit, at least until the next super-battle or global emergency is called.

Happy Valentine's Day!