Sunday, February 21, 2021

Las Vegas: Mechanical Monstrosity Attacks

By Chaz Hamilton

ID: 22349

The odds aren’t good in Las Vegas today. A new threat has appeared, and a two-armed bandit is out to hit big. As in, a gigantic metal retro-robot of unknown origin is walking through the town and wreaking havoc upon everything in its path.

Chaz Hamilton here, and as B.A.D.G.E.’s official reporter, I want to give you a first-hand account on what is happening here. Local police and emergency services are in the process of evacuating the entire city, but it is a difficult task. Being a vacation hot spot, many visitors to the city do not have means by which to remove themselves from the danger zones.

For safety’s sake, Crossroads has been traveling from hotel to hotel, providing portals to safety for guests and residents. Her efficient use of her abilities will save many lives this day. If you are in one of the threatened hotels, please gather in the underground parking lots for pick up as Crossroads works hard to reach you.

There has been very little information so far as to why this retro-robot has appeared. Sources in B.A.D.G.E. have given little information out at this time other than the fact that agents were already on the scene when the metallic menace first appeared. Was it a fortunate convenience or part of their purpose for being in Sin City?

Resembling a 50’s style trash compactor with arms and legs, the villain on the scene today is using not only its massive body to wreak destruction on the city but powerful energy blasts. Where did it come from it the frequent question asked by everyone who sees it. Unlike anything currently in development, it appears to be a strange tribute in form to the science fiction movies of nearly a century past.

Heroes from across the world were quick to arrive on scene to engage the first super-sized threat of the new year.

Some of the mightiest on scene in the first four hours were as follows. (Hotwings being one of the first to engage the mechanical marvel. He may have been part of the original heroes in the area. I will confirm this if possible at more information comes in.)

69,331 Damage: ][☣][Avenger][☣][

56,534 Damage: GTA~5~KING

54,649 Damage: PAIN-GUIN

48,999 Damage: ][☣][Hot Wings][☣][

46,053 Damage: ♦Zen ﹤(") 5¹♦

A technological threat, the giant robot seems to be vulnerable to magical energies. Krystal Fae has already been spotted on scene, casting eldritch bolts and teleporting innocent bystanders out of harm’s way.

New hero to the scene, Silent Shadow has been working in tangent with B.A.D.G.E. operatives, along side with Catalyst of the Star Force. They are somehow attempting to disable one of the legs of the attacking trash-can, but the material is dense and, if rumors I am hearing are correct, resistant to Morphonic-based emanations.

I will return with more information as it becomes available. Please, avoid the area of engagement if possible. Who knows what surprises might be in store for our heroes today?