Sunday, February 21, 2021

Raid Fiction: The Cost of Battle

by Starmaster

ID: 14716

Once the giant robot reached Caesar’s Palace, things began to get really, really messy.

Crossroads did her best to help evacuate the guest away from the fight taking place in the fountains in front of the world renown casino. Krystal Fae fought from the air. People who knew her weren’t surprised at her outfit. She tended to wear unusual uniforms from time to time, but they did find it odd she fought with an archaic bow. Instead of arrows, she fired eldritch bolts of energy.

Starmaster teleported into the air nearby her position. His psionic abilities struggled to have much effect on the giant robot. When he saw it prepare to fire its massive energy weapon again, he focused instead on the air around its massive arm and created a strong updraft to shift its weapon away from its intended target, the Avenger.

“Krystal, do you have any of your enchanted crystals on you?” Starmaster looked at Krystal Fae’s outfit. “Maybe in one of your belt pouches? Are you coming from a renaissance faire or something?”

“I’m getting ready to go on vacation. Just trying on some old outfits to see if I want to wear them.” Krystal maneuvered her mystical wings to move herself out of an errant bolt of energy that the robot discharged. “Here you go.” She tossed him a bag of gems. “They are mostly healing crystals. What do you want them for?”

Starmaster caught the bag in his mental grip and poured out a dozen or so stones. He took aim at the robot’s faceplate and hurled them at it. “Bullets.” The glass panel cracked under his projectile’s assault, but the crystals shattered on impact as well.

“You do realize that was about 4 million-dollars’ worth of stones, right?” Krystal Fae said as she fired off another volley of blasts.
