Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: Dangerous Research Part 3

Chase and Gar stepped out of their shuttle again, this time in a much more opulent location. Once again they were in front of the Government headquarters for North Onnotangu. This time, they were welcomed by the military escorts and waved at by the people coming and going from the central building.

“Looks like you guys really cleaned up the place.” Chase stated.

General Hoturi said, “we had a lot of help from South Onnotangu. They sent in teams of workers and a lot of supplies.”

Gar said, “they are eager to help. That is good.”

“Our southern cousins have wanted to reconnect with us for a long time. But, with Supreme Leader Shoju in power, there was no way to connect. Now, we have a growing relationship with them that may become a day in which we reunify into one nation.”

Chase asked, “how would that work? You have been two separate governments for so long, it might be difficult to combine.”

Just then a familiar voice answered, “we are considering options to maintain a two state system under a single government head. But, that is a long way off.”

“Shizue!” Chase called out and ran over to her.

The two women hugged. Shizue said, “it’s nice to see you again.”

Gar approached, “Prime Minister.” he bowed.

“Ah, Mr. Gar. How nice to see you again as well.” She and Gar had had a long conversation at the BADGE party after Christmas. Shizue asked, “I understand you wanted our help with the investigation. We’ll be glad to be of service, but I don’t know what we can do that BADGE cannot.”

Chase pulled out the small device that they found in Dr. Osteen’s cell. “The investigation is not going anywhere right now. We had no evidence to follow until I found this.”

Shizue and her top General both peered at it. General Hoturi said, “I have seen nothing like that before.”

“I know. Using my power, I could follow its history. Dr. Osteen was building this, but we don’t know for what purpose. However, some parts led me all the way back here.”

Shizue frowned, “here?”

“Yes. Apparently, someone here has been sending him parts to build this.”

General Hoturi asked, “do you have any idea where this person would be?”

Chase shook her head, “not exactly. What I saw was it sitting on a table in a laboratory filled with computers and advanced robotic stuff. I’m afraid that some of my powers are limited the further back I trace something.”

Hoturi pulled up a communicator, “This is General Hoturi to all security, lock down the entire Capital Compound. No one is to enter or leave. Send out all patrols to pick up any scientists who are not currently in the labs.”

Gar asked, “what’s going on?”

Shizue answered, “our former leader, Shoju, had all laboratories destroyed unless they were inside this compound. He wanted to control any kind of technological development. We haven’t had time to build any more anywhere else.”

Hoturi added, “if that was in a laboratory here, it is within this compound. Come with me.” he gestured for them to follow as he led them into the principal building. A pair of soldiers came and escorted Shizue to a safe location.

Gar said, “wow, the soldiers are quick, and this place is locking down faster than a red alert on the station.”

Hoturi stated, “one good thing about this place being the former palace of a paranoid dictator, the security is top-notch. Fortunately, we now use it to protect everyone, not just a selfish tyrant.” his words dripped with acid toward their former leader.


Dr. Osteen woke up sitting in an old sedan. His eyes were blurry and his mouth tasted like dust. As his sight quickly returned, he realized he was in a desert and it was early in the morning.

“Where am I?” He asked, hoping someone would answer.

No one said anything, for he was alone.

“This isn’t my car... wait, what’s this?” He found a stack of papers next to him. Apparently he had purchased this used car in a car lot in Dustbowl, Arizona. They had his signature on them and it showed it was paid for, tag and title both in his name. “These people are good.”

Stepping out of the car, he found himself in front of an old, small building. It was dirty and seemingly abandoned. But a key protruded from the doorhandle. Knowing nothing is what it appears with these people, he walked in and found what he expected. A dirty, abandoned room with nothing but broken glass and rotting walls. There was a counter with a note on it. He picked it up.

‘Hold the light fixture, make sure your fingerprints are on the glass.’

He frowned and looked around. There was an old light sconce on the wall, the only one with a glass bowl on it. He reached up and touched it. Instantly the glass flashed a green light. The counter rolled back, revealing a stairwell that lit up.

The stark, old, dusty world was left behind for a metallic modern environment. At the bottom of the steps, he grinned at the sight of a fully functional laboratory. Every bit of equipment he could desire. There was nothing he couldn’t study here for his genetic research and biological studies.

“What’s this?” He saw a flashing green light on a computer tablet sitting in the middle of the one empty table. Pressing it, Commander Delta appeared in a recording.

“Greetings. Doctor Osteen. This is your new home. This laboratory contains the most advanced research equipment on Earth. The computers are highly secured and will send your information to a unique storage unit at our HQ to ensure that nothing is lost in the case of disaster. As per our needs, we have collected and housed a selection of subjects.” He gestured to the right, and a wall lifted, revealing a massive holding area with hundreds of cages, each holding a different animal. Lions to birds, horses to dogs. It was a zoo. “All these animals have been outfitted with special devices to keep them sedated and healthy until you need them for your purposes. If a specimen dies, we will replace it at once. Finally, as per your request for protection against any meta human warriors.” A final wall lifted and Dr. Osteen smiled as though he were seeing his child after a long time away.

Delta stated, “Do not fail us, Doctor. We have put a lot of money, time, and faith in you for this.” Suddenly the computer tablet flickered off and then burned.

Dr. Osteen, his eyes still glistening at the sight of his baby, said, “I think I’m gonna like it here.”
