Thursday, July 23, 2020

Announcement: Stellar Battle

Director Nova walked through the corridors of BADGE HQ in New York. Beside him robot 10915 held a stack of computer tablets, which he shuffled around each time Nova asked for something else to look at.

“Tell the Prime Minster that we are simply over booked with Project Orbit. The London League can handle his problems.”

“Yes, sir.” 10915 took the tablet and sent the message.

Suddenly a blue burst of light appeared in front of Nova and there stood both Quark and Gar. Quark said, “you called?”

Nova checked over a different tablet before answering, “yes, I am off to get things ready for the event. I need you to stay here.”

“Ah, come on. I want to be there. I want to compete.” Quark was practically begging.

“No. You are an official of BADGE now, you don’t compete in these events. I have important tasks for you.”

Gar asked, “what do you need us to do?”

“Chase is busy helping organize the communications with the construction crews for Project Orbit. I have to head to the stadium. You two, god help us, must stay here and keep an eye on things in case of an emergency.”

Quark grinned, “you know, I can just zap you up there.”

“No thank you. Last time you zapped me somewhere like that, I came out a shade of blue.”

Quark frowned, “what’s wrong with that?”

“Not my color. Now, stay here, I have to be going.” Nova continued, but paused to say, “and don’t try to sneak into the event in disguise. I have special monitors keeping an eye out for intruders.”

Quark sneered at him, obviously plotting just such a scheme.

An hour later, Nova and Robot 10915 left Earth’s atmosphere. They flew toward a massive structure that was currently under construction. Dozens of small ships raced around, taking care of the little details.

10915 said, “it looks like it’s almost done, sir.”

“Yes, but that is not our destination.” Nova piloted the shuttle around this strange structure and headed for the huge League Wars stadium.

“Remind me again why we are moving League Wars into space?”

Nova directed the shuttle toward a landing pad. “Simple. We’ve been holding it out in the ocean for a while, in hopes of not showing favoritism toward any one nations heroes. That didn’t work, the logistics on getting all the viewers present was nearly impossible sitting in the ocean. This way, we can hold the event up here and pipe the holo image to stadiums all over Earth. Many more can watch, few will be in danger of being hit by stray super powers, and no one complains about the event being too near a nation.”

The shuttle passed through a bubble forcefield and landed. No sooner had the engines powered down was Nova on his way through the empty stadium and heading for the main podium.

A table of unique looking helmets waited near the Directors personal seating. 10915 asked, “what are these, sir?”

“Ah, good. I was hoping they would be ready. These are new helmets made from some of the same research we have conducted for Project Orbit. These helmets will be special prizes for the winning leagues. Now, get the platform ready.”

Nova stood by the podium and waited while 10915 prepared it to fly. It was an odd feeling looking around. The massive seating was gone, the stadium was merely the fields and hubs for the leagues to ready themselves. More platforms had been added with extra shuttles so the leagues could all manage their way to the stadium.

“Ready, sir.”

“Good.” Nova pressed a button and the platform detached from the side of the stadium and hovered to the middle of the field. Activating a series of buttons, holographic screens appeared all around him. After a few short minutes for the timing, he was connected to all major networks across Earth.

“Ladies and gentlemen of Earth. BADGE is officially announcing League Wars 4: Stellar Battle. Leagues from around the Earth are invited to our newly updated orbital League Wars stadium. Registration will begin shortly and match ups announced soon after that. This event will be broadcast across the planet and shown as holographic images in major stadiums in all nations. Be ready for the biggest League Wars yet. I expect great things.”
