Friday, July 10, 2020

Community Events: Training Camps for League Wars Begin

Training Camps for League Wars
by Starmaster

ID: 14716

With the successful completion of League War III almost a month ago, what are teams doing now to get ready?

If you look at the League Recruit tab, you will find that there are many posts for ambitious leagues, both new and old, searching to add to their ranks. League team leaders are sending out messages to players asking them to join their league. Players are purchasing powers and gear, building up their capability. Some of these players are leveling their characters rapidly while others work to remain at lower levels so to stay in a specific division. Others plot and scheme at developing the ultimate combinations of gear for their future battles.

Whatever the theory is to winning might be, now is the time to prepare.

During League War III, there were seven different divisions, with Divisions 5 and 6 having eight teams each battling. Forty leagues in total participated in the last event. I foresee League War IV garnering even more teams entering the proverbial Thunderdome.

Here are a few suggestions for new (and some old) leagues looking to participate and be competitive in the next major face-off:

  • · Leagues have a maximum size of 12 members, with a minimum size of 7 to register. A league with more members does mean more opportunities to battle, but each player can only win two battles per round. Having a full roster also grants more possible opportunities for your opponents to attack you, picking off weaker members. Now is the time to plan how your league will be structured. Will all members be within 5 levels of one another? 10 levels? Some team members may need to slow down their leveling while others will need to increase their efforts.

  • · What division you will be placed in is determined by the average level of your league. If there is a large difference in player levels, the lower level members will be clear targets. This can be an advantage and a disadvantage, depending on if you have a “ringer” in your lowest ranks. (By “ringer”, I mean an advanced team-member who is highly equipped with top-tier gear and maxed-out powers.)

  • · Find league members who share equal motivations to play. One player who doesn’t fight any battles in the twenty-four-hour period can be the difference between winning or losing a round.

  • · Understand how your cores impact your battles. Have one of each core, even if they are not the higher cost Morphon version. The core gear purchased with Crystals will give you the same resistances and advantage as the Morphon version.

  • · Bank your Bux while you wait for the next league war. Don’t purchase power cards for Bux and run yourself bankrupt due to high upkeep costs. Buy your Bux powers cards and beef yourself up just before your first round or when you feel the boost to your stats would be most beneficial. Run over on you upkeep costs for short periods of time, such as a league war, and then sell the power cards back to keep your Bux in the bank!

  • · Communicate with your team members. Make plans. Do group buys for gear if you have players who are on a budget. (Yes, you can do group buys if you aren't on a budget, too!) There is a major competitive advantage to purchasing as a league, so look into it.

  • · Be friends with your team members on Facebook. It makes it much easier to “gift” them if you are.

  • · At lower levels, if you are purchasing with Morphons, focus on buying cards rather than leveling a power card you already have to a higher tier. Not all Power Cards are created equal. Make sure to get the best BANG for your bux (and Morphons) for what you spend. In some cases, you can spend less to buy a new card and get more of a boost than you can get by increasing the level of a power card you already have.

  • · Don’t be disheartened by players who seem to have it all. Some have been playing since before the beginning while others may have bought themselves into greatness. There are several different play styles in effect, but none of them guarantee victory. The more different leagues that participate, the less likely you are of being placed against that one team who you fear to challenge. It is a numbers game. Maximize what you can get rather than being dissatisfied by what you might not be able to achieve.

  • · Be ready for change. League wars evolve as they go forward. What happened in the past might not be what happens in the future. As more players (or less) engage, the developers of the game have to adjust to compensate and provide the best experience for EVERYONE. Practice good sportsmanship, to other players and to the staff behind the scenes. Trash-talk is one thing but being rude or insulting doesn't do much to help provide a welcoming environment to new attendees. 

Most importantly, keep having fun while playing the game. League wars are a great challenge, but we all know protecting the world from the Legion, or other evil threats, takes top priority for a superhero.

See you out in the fields,