Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Announcing League HeadQuarters BETA

League HeadQuarters BETA
by Starmaster
ID 14716

Big News. BIG NEWS!
Justin Towe posted the following on the Heroes Rising Players page today.

Greetings Heroes!
Today we are releasing the beta for "League HeadQuarters". You will find more details when you open the game to how it all works exactly, but in a nutshell: with your League HQ, you and your league can band together to build buildings that provide bonuses for you and your leaguemates! Not only that, but you have the ability to attack other League's buildings in order to hamper their own bonuses! We hope this new feature will add more fun and spice into the game, but please be aware it is currently a beta launch for this, which means things may be tweaked both minorly and majorly in the future - we do listen to and appreciate your feedback! If you run into any glitches or the like, please let us know so we can fix them (you might just earn some MP after all!).

Thanks to all your players for making Heroes Rising great, we really hope you enjoy this new aspect to the game!

I know I am looking forward to this new addition to the game. Some of the new buildings offer nice bonuses to game play. I plan on getting the Cafeteria, Craftroom, and Arena as soon as my first Level HQ is completed.

It looks to be an exciting next couple of weeks. Some of the early comments coming in from players indicate new strategies and plans are already being contemplated, such as:

Christopher Justice- "Another way to terrorize the enemy. Outstanding."

John Schoenfeld- "You get an HQ, and you get an HQ, everybody gets an HQ!"

Construction efforts will be going into overdrive for these new league headquarters. Happy building, heroes! Be sure to comment on, discuss, and pontificate your first impressions on this new feature with your fellow players here: