Saturday, July 11, 2020

Hero Highlights- Crossroads

While many heroes, myself included, move through the infinite layers of the Multiverse on a regular basis, this Hero brings the skills and talents of the Multiverse to herself.
Can you tell us your name, or would you prefer your Hero designation/code name?
~~Sure! My name is Allyson Robicheaux, but my hero identity is Crossroads! You can call me either; we do it all the time! In my day job, I work as a bartender trying to pay off my student loans. I am currently single, but not looking for a relationship right now. Too many things going on in my life to even think about it! But you never know what might happen!

Are you working thru B.A.D.G.E. or are you independent?
~~I am currently working through B.A.D.G.E. and am in one of their training groups to hone my combat skills.

Are you currently in a League, and if so, would you care to tell us about it?
I am with the ?Red?Guard?-a collection of diversely talented individuals working towards guarding humanity itself. They’re a great group of people who have helped me immensely. We’re a young league, but growing in power and influence. We competed in the last two League Wars and won silver in both!

Can you tell us a little about your powers? Are all of your powers Morphon based? to describe them... My powers have to do with the ability to connect with any version of myself in any alternate universe. I can harness the energies between the dimensions to travel, shield, or even project attacks. I am able to access any powers or skills my alternates have and use them as my own. For the most part, my powers are not Morphon based, they are inherent to us. I already had them in a latent form before our planet was flooded with Morphons. From what we have learned during my training, they have been much enhanced by the Morphon particles, though. I am more powerful and have much finer control than the others.

Do you have a sidekick?
~~No sidekicks. I am learning to be a hero myself, so having a sidekick is not something I feel I deserve at the moment. Besides, I have a lot of voices giving me advice already.

Could you tell us a little about your origin?
~~The others tell me that there seems to be a version of myself in every universe where humans exist. Sometimes we’re female, sometimes we’re male, and sometimes we’re “other.” We don’t even necessarily share the same history or genetic descent, but we are still us. We connect mind-to-mind most often, that’s why you’ll often find me talking to myself. I’m not crazy; I just hear voices in my head!
It was less than a year ago when I started to hear their voices, not clearly, though. I didn’t know what was happening and started drinking heavily to drown them out. I didn’t want to admit to anyone I could hear voices in my head! It was when I found a gold coin in the park that I finally heard the voices clearly and they explained what was happening. I have been training hard since then.

What is your favorite piece of gear? Why?
~~Wow, that’s a tough one! Umm, I like the B.A.D.G.E. Exo-greaves because they enhance my speed immensely and make me feel like a cyborg heroine from an anime like Major Kusanagi. B.A.D.G.E. has a lot of gear to help your game in the fight against evil! And they make my legs look AMAZING!

Do you Have any advice for new Heroes?
~~Use all the resources at your disposal to build your power! And the most important resource of all is the other heroes you’ll meet! They have knowledge and information that you cannot get out of a book and the only way you’ll ever learn is to ask them. Everyone I have talked to has been incredibly helpful! I could not have gotten as far as I have without their support and advice!

Is there anything else you'd care to add?
~~Don’t give up! It can get daunting, even depressing when you see how powerful some of the heroes you’ll meet are. But it doesn’t matter how powerful anyone is, we all have to fight against the evil, against injustice. If we don’t do all that we can with all that we have to keep the darkness at bay, then the darkness wins. Everyone in the battle helps, regardless of how strong you are. And, you CAN get stronger if you keep working hard!
I think I may have met a few of 'you' in my travels... Safe journey, and don’t talk to the one called ‘Scratch’...
Until next time, my friends...