Sunday, July 5, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: What we left behind Part 1

Gar raced across an open field. Spreading his wings out, he tucked himself down and pushed even harder. Meeting the edge of a cliff he jumped and dove straight down. Lengthening out his body, he looked up just as he was about to meet the ocean below. His wings caught the air and he quickly changed direction, skimming the surface of the waters. Making a massive arc in the sky, he came back around and zoomed over the surface of the grasses.

Chase raced across that field, in almost the same path as he had just run. She did a flip forward on her hands and launched herself into the sky. Gar flew beneath her leap and she landed on his back. She crouched and rode him like a surfboard.

“HOLD ON!” Gar called out.

Chase smiled and knelt down to her knees, holding him by the shoulders with her hands.

Beating his wings against the wind, he sped up. Flicking both wings out he made a huge curve that spiraled upward into the sky. Chase yelled out in excitement as they flew. They passed a jet, the passengers waving through the windows.

“WATCH OUT!” Chase called.

Gar answered, “DON’T WORRY!”

They flew higher toward dark clouds. Chase crouched even lower. When they entered the thick clouds a sudden, wet coldness surrounding them. The shifting winds rushed hard against them, rattling Gar a few times, but not detouring his path. Frost formed on part of Gars wings, and Chase’s hand slipped once.

All at once they broke through and were met by an explosion of sunlight across the ocean of billowing clouds. The silent giants drifted by as mountains floating on a stream. Gar leveled off and began a gentle glide.

Chase sat up, looking around in awe. “This is amazing.”

Gar said, “I know. It is my favorite place to fly.”

Shivering, she said, “I have seen the world from the window of a plane, but I never truly imagined it could be this beautiful. It is quiet.”

“My human father, the man who taught me of this world after I woke, he encouraged me to fly. That first day I flew, the first time I ever saw this, I knew I always wanted to come back here. When I come here, I remember that day. It was the first time I called him father.”

“You’ve had such pain in your life. Yet you have a beautiful soul.”

“I look for love, not hate.”

She laughed and then shivered harder, “I love this view, but I’m getting really cold and the air is a bit thin.”

“Okay. We will go back. Flying down is harder. Don’t worry, I won’t drop you.”

Chase suddenly stood up, standing right between his wings. “I’m never afraid around you, I know you’ll always catch me.” she fell from him, disappearing in the clouds.

“CHASE!” Gar dove quickly, using his wings to speed his descent. He burst through the clouds and found her falling with her back downward and her face looking at him. Closing the distance, he flew so that his body faced hers. Their arms wrapped around each other and now she was face to face with him. “Are you okay?”

“Just having some fun.”

Just then someone said, “hey, you two, I thought Nova ordered you back to Bursa with the others?”

Chase and Gar looked to the right and found Strange Quark next to them. Chase said, “we’re heading that direction.”

“Sure you are.”

Chase smiled, “we were having a little fun.”

“Fun time later, come on, Nova needs us at Bursa.” Quark waved a hand and a portal opened beneath them.

Chase, Gar, and Quark slipped into the airspace above Bursa. Gar quickly opened his wings and changed their direction from a fall to another glide.

“Look at this place.” Chase said.

Gar said, “I have not been here. Was it always like this?”

Quark laughed. “No. Bursa is still in ruins from the battle. Kinda why Nova wants us here. Come, Temp HQ is on the hill.”

The trio flew over the devastated city. Heroes worked with damage teams moving large objects and rebuilding necessary areas. Soon they landed on a hill top where a series of tents surrounded a large table. Nova watched them approach as a holographic image flickered on the screen in front of him.

Chase and Gar approached the Director. Nova said, “glad to see you two.”

“We had a wonderful two weeks in Kyoto at the palace.” Chase said.

“How is Lord Dragon?” Nova asked.

Chase said, “He stays to himself most of the time. I think he is finally taking the time to mourn the loss of his wife.”

“I see. It will take time.” Nova smiled at Gar, “I am glad to have you with us, Gar.”

“Glad to be here, Director.”

“CHASE, BABE!” Suddenly a white blur hit Chase and she nearly fell over. EB had her in a hug.

Chase peeled him off, “EB, what are you doing here?”

He grinned at her, “Lord Dragon said that I could be of help to BADGE now that the Mythics are all known and stuff. You know it is the best opportunity for me to spend time with my best friend. Plus, I get to help and do stuff. I spend all my time making chocolate and candy and stuff, but my factories will go on without me overseeing everything. Heck, most of the managers working for me don’t even know they work for The Easter Bunny, so I have time to do this. Of course I get to see you and that is no small thing, you are hot and I…”

Nova grabbed EB by his ears and held him up. “What did I say about flirting with her?”

EB dangled by his ears as he gleefully answered, “You said she has a boyfriend now. So?”

“Respect her relationship.”

EB continued grinning, “She may be taken, but she’s still hot.”

“UGH!” Nova dropped EB.

Chase said, “To be fair, Gar and I are just friends. Good friends, but that’s all.”

Both Nova and Quark said, “Really?”

Gar nodded. “It is better this way. Work comes first.”

“She’s still on the market!” EB hopped around.

Nova ignored the excited bunny and gestured toward the holographic map. “Okay, on to business. BADGE is helping direct the clean up and rebuilding of Bursa and the surrounding areas. The battle with Jinn took a heavy toll on this place.”

Chase looked at the holographic image. “And? I mean, it’s a good thing we’re helping, but why call us back for this?”

EB jumped up to the table and walked through the hologram, “I was helping, you know, pick up stuff, direct things, a little magic goes a long way. Of course, I don’t let the people see me do everything. Okay, some have seen me, but most were just heroes and they know what I am and they know I am not dangerous. Of course, if the regular people saw me...”

“GET TO THE POINT!” Nova blurted out.

“Oh, right. I was helping clean up debris and noticed the non-heroes having some trouble. It seems that residue of Jinns magic was left on some of the stuff he hit. It causes it to react differently. Non powered humans can’t even lift it. But, superheroes can.”

Nova pressed a button and different holo-images appeared showing various piles of debris. “We need to get heroes out there, tagging this stuff and getting it brought to a special place where the Mythics can remove the magic from it.”

Chase said, “and a person with a special talent for finding things, like a former master thief, can be useful in locating this stuff.”

Nova nodded, “Precisely why I wanted you to help with this part. Gar, Quark, help lead the teams when they arrive.”

Quark asked, “how many people are you calling in?”

“Everyone,” Nova stated. “We can’t let this stuff just sit around.”

EB added, “this magic stuff will rub off. I mean, when you dump it, some magic will linger...for a bit. So, heroes will get a boost in powers afterward. At least I hope they will. Might turn some of them purple or give them a taste for licking rocks, but I guess that’ll be a fun guessing game.”

Nova tapped a button on the station and a holographic screen appeared. He spoke and his voice echoed out from all the communicators nearby as well as across the planet. “BADGE to all Heroes. We need help in removing magically infused debris in Bursa and the surrounding area. This is an immediate problem that must be dealt with. Return to Bursa, Turkey, at once and assist in the clean up process. Nova, out!”
