Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Prepping for League Wars 4- Sparring (Fan-Fiction)

By Krystal Fae

Krystal waited patiently, then arose from leaning against the granite face of the quarry wall as she felt the incoming energy of Starmaster's arrival.

She looked her opponent up and down.

"Really? Anti-magic tech... if you wanted 'no magic', all you had to do was ask.", she said with a grin.

Krystal had noticed two flaws... while it restricted magic from being used upon its wearer, the tech did not restrain her use of magic on herself or the environment... and like any tech-based gear, it had only a limited power supply.

Krystal snapped her fingers and a trench was gouged out in the gravel the size of an arena ring.

Note: Terrakinesis is a morphon power, not magic...

"Acceptable?", she quipped, as Starmaster gulped and then nodded.


Starmaster slipped in and out of the Mindscape, teleporting easily about the ring. This usually confused his opponents, so it was somewhat disconcerting when Krystal seemed to be waiting for him each time he 'popped' into existence.

"I can sense your energy, you know, when you do that...", she puffed as she grabbed his arm in a jujitsu-like maneuver.


Krys takes a blow that knocks her to her knee with her head down, she looks up, grins and wipes a small amount of blood from the corner of her lip. "That's more like it, but you're still holding back...", she said.

"... My turn...", as she throws a solid punch to his solar plexus, knocking him back a few steps.

Starmaster had been able to block many of her blows telekinetically, but a significant number had connected.

"Damn, she's fast...", he thought to himself.


Starmaster had momentarily lost track of Krystal, and spun in place near the center of the ring, searching for her. Finally, he spots her to one side, and dives for her. He passes through the image that Krystal had projected and off-balance, staggers for a moment.

Note: Krystal is using her ability to manipulate light, like a hologram.

"...Must remember to keep her pin-pointed in the Mindscape...", he thought.


"You had enough?", Krystal puffed.

"Yah..." Starmaster said with a nod.

"Good fight... we'll have to do this again sometime...", Krystal said with a grin.

Chatting while they recovered, Krystal said, "That's the thing about being a sorceress... everyone expects you to use magic for every little thing... most people forget, or never knew, that I'm a scientist and that I have morphon abilities..."