Saturday, July 25, 2020

The 5th Precinct Prepares For League Wars 4

Many organizations prepare for the coming tournament. The 5th Precinct is one of very few, that would not be surprised to find that they had teams competing in every division of the competition.

League Wars 3 found them with silver medals in several divisions, and winning rounds in all but Division 1, where most would fear to even compete.

One of the divisions in particular, is troubling the man who will try to coordinate the teams during this test.

The Closer, sits in an office lit by computer terminals and tablets. Though he isn't looking at any of them, the screens display various information from personnel files, atmospheric monitoring stations, energy readings of all magnitudes, and even some collections of genetic analyses. He suddenly makes a decision and engages with the Precinct's Artificial Intelligence E.A.R.R.P

"Open file 'Division 2' at time stamp 4, begin playback, and record…"

He's already examined the data, and busied himself with compiling and cross referencing it. Now in an effort to make it more interesting, and apply it to the task at hand, he's translating the information into possible combat scenarios which he narrates and records. That way if any of the team leaders find it useful they may access it later.

"Some of these particular people are demonstrating a great ability to project common types of energy signatures." He adjusts gear load-outs of a mock team as he goes. "Seems that giving up the counter and ignoring all magnifiers, opens up enough space for damage and defense to allow Neach-dìon na h-Alba to get a win here."

Another team member is selected and loaded into a preliminary line-up.

"We're making progress! How many is that now?"

The mechanical voice lacks any sympathy "That is number 3."

The Closer throws a tablet like a frisbee "Gah! I need to fill this Division 2 team before I can get through the rest."

He takes a breath and picks up another tablet. "Okay, time stamp 5, begin playback, and record."