Friday, July 24, 2020

Hero Highlights- Macaia's Daughter ◄[RD]►

Today, our subject is one of the youngest heroes I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. Though young, she has become quite a hero in her own unique way.
Can you tell us your name, or would you prefer your Hero designation/code name?

~~You know me as Rosa but I go by "Macaia's Daughter", in honor of my mother, who's really my whole reason for existing.

Are you working thru B.A.D.G.E. or are you independent?

~~While B.A.D.G.E. and our group have a very healthy and strong relationship, we have our own priorities and goals and I think we both have a healthy respect for that.

Are you currently in a League, and if so, would you care to tell us about it?

~~Recently, our team of Realm Defenders has integrated with the 5th Precinct group of leagues, their resources and reach have been of great help.

Can you tell us a little about your powers? Are all of your powers Morphon based?

~~I had abilities before coming to this realm and being exposed to morphons - notably mental and telekinetic powers. We're still trying to figure out the extent of any changes or enhancements from morphon exposure, as of now I just wish that it'd give me the ability to fly... I'm jealous that my mother can do it and I'm stuck as a passenger on car or plane rides. Hm, maybe the morphons can make me a better driver!

(Editor's note: It's common knowledge that Rosa is, indeed, a terrible driver)
Do you have a sidekick?

~~No sidekick... I wouldn't mind a helper but I'm happier just being part of a team anyway.

Could you tell us a little about your origin?

~~I was young when my abilities manifested... my mother was missing at the time and these deadly beasts were attacking... next thing I had mentally blasted them. My godpa suggested the intense high stress had unlocked something that was always within me. My abilities are similar to my mother's in that aspect. Since then, I trained and battled alongside my friends, through my teenage years to the present.

What is your favorite piece of gear? Why?

~~Initially, the Mind Bender ring was an amazing accessory, but something weird happened and, I never found out if it was a B.A.D.G.E tech issue or something that Gamer G engineered, but they weren't as effective anymore. I kind of like the Goth Pants now but the leather brings chafing and I hurt myself on one of the spikes the other day. I do have my heart set on those Rune covered boots released the other day, but they're well out of my price range. Maybe they'll release them for general purchase someday...

Do you have any advice for new Heroes?

~~I'd say pay attention to the discussion from the top-rated heroes in the various meeting places. They usually give good tips for getting strong. Also, keep an eye on Chase when she pops up to announce Fight Club openings. Fight Clubs are never a bad idea, regardless of inexperience.

Is there anything else you'd care to add?

~~Only that it's really awesome that you had me come in for the interview, Krystal. I'm just so in awe of what you and the team have put together. If you ever want a follow-up, please let me know!
I’m sure we’ll be speaking with you again sometime in the future, as you are still building your power and persona...
Until next time, my friends!