Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Editorial: Creative Ways to Make Extra Morphons

by Starmaster

Thank you to each hero who participated in the Great Clean Up. This event not only helped out the people of Bursa, Turkey, but it had multiple rewards for the teamwork generated by the heroes returning and working together.

I wanted to take a moment to remind you that taking part in these game-based EVENTS is not the only method by which you can earn valuable rewards. There are multiple methods to participate in the game community that can earn you Morphons. You will not find these opportunities on the Heroes Rising game page, though.

What are they, you might ask? 

These activities are typically found on the Heroes Rising blog These City Streets. You can find it by pressing the NEWS button on the top left hand side of your screen.

Following are the current, not-in-game reward activities you can participate in:

  • Special contests shared on the Heroes Rising Players page followed by links to more information:

  • Creating works of fan-fiction based on characters in the game and posting your work on the Fiction Forum section of the Heroes Rising blog These City Streets.

  • Working with a group of other players, perhaps members of your league, to create a collaborative story.
  • Submitting a potential article to be posted on the These City Streets blog.

Yes, these options take a bit more effort than pushing a button but there are other benefits to investing some time and tapping into your creative talents. 

The developers of Heroes Rising have created a game world. Anyone who has played a role-playing game understands that there is fun exploring that world and your characters place in it with others. 
In the game, the content is limited to what has been created so far and incorporated by the development team. On the Fiction Forum, the content is only limited by your imagination.

With the super-hero genre, there are some staple tropes to explore. How did you get your powers? What was your first super encounter? Who is your character's arch nemesis? How did your character face their first defeat?

I enjoy reading the fan-fiction created by other players and I know several other players who do as well. It adds a new layer to the game. The developers, when they have time, have commented on how they appreciate seeing the creativity used by players. The find pleasure in seeing what they have created from a fresh point of view.

You never know what inspiration they might draw from an active player's participation in their game world. It is a shared community, and you can get more out of it than a win record or badge count if you actively share.

I have it on good authority there will be a new Fiction contest coming soon. There is an art coloring-contest going on currently. I've seen some really good entries for the art coloring event placed into the thread by Dan Peyton and I have entered a few in for myself. Some of the art will be used for special Power Cards and I find that really awesome. How many games out there give you opportunities showcase your talents in the actual game?

Don't miss out on these opportunities to create some rewards for yourself and bring a smile to your fellow player's faces through your creative efforts.

Oh, yeah. One last thing. These opportunities don't cost anything to participate in. They are free and can earn you Morphons. Free and budget players, this can help you earn that extra boost you need to get some new gear or power card you might want. Food for thought.