Friday, June 26, 2020

Art Event with special prizes

Hello everyone. I thought, after all the stress and calamity over Jinn, the heroes needed something fun to do. So, get out those crayons, dust off the smock, and make sure you give non-toxic finger paint to Fleagle (I'm not having his stomach pumped a second time), we are going to color some pictures.

As always, I provide the base sketch from one of my own Heroes Rising paintings and let you color it in however you feel like it. You can add a background, give them equipment, add powers to them, whatever suits your fancy. You'll note that my base sketches are almost nude (stop snickering, I heard you) I like to work from a base form. Just make sure these come out PG-13 or cleaner. 

All four sketches I have provided are already finished paintings. In fact, all four are currently on power cards that have yet to be released, and won't be until this event is over. This is important, there is an added contest to this coloring event. Players have impressed me with their unique takes on some of my drawings in past contest. So, this time around, we are going to select the top three player colored images and make them power cards as "special edition" power cards which will be in the game for a limited time. No one player will have more than one of their selected, which means three different players will garner this special honor. Also, each player who has their art selected will be given a copy of the card when it is available in the game.

This doesn't mean other players won't get anything. This will still follow the same pattern as before. Each person who submits colored images will receive a Good Job card for the first three they submit. (If you submit more than three, you will still only get three copies, but if you submit less than three, you will receive 1 or 2 copies, depending on number of entries.) 

Special Note: If you want a large image file of any of these, let me know and I will send one to you. 
