Saturday, April 3, 2021

Collaborative Fan-Fiction Challenge: Best of March

Congratulations to the team of the collaborative fan-fiction thread, "Trip to a Fae Realm: A collaborative Fairy Tale"

Each participant of this thread will receive two of the all-new fan-fiction reward card, "Strange Fiction":

10962 Krystal Fae
14367 The Sword of Gerraxia
22349 Silver Paladin 
22632 Astra
11004 Crossroads 
11292 AphraeltheFaeChildGoddess

Keep up with the awesome stories!

Reminder: Those who still want to contribute individual (non-collaborative) stories will continue to receive Reality Writer reward cards for their effort, and outstanding contributions may be featured on the blog and home page in-game. Furthermore, various types of fan-fiction contests will be organized from time-to-time, so look out for announcements on the Heroes Rising Players page.

Yours Quackily, 