Thursday, April 22, 2021

Power: Eagle Wings

Dr. Henderson looked up from her tablet at BADGE's newest Hero-recruit.

"You definitely have Morphon abilities, according to the tests... hmmm, looks like tech and elemental are your major factors... stand here...", she said indicating yet another scanning platform.

"SCANNING...", said a feminine computerized voice. "Scan complete... please select from the following...", the computer voice intoned.

A few moments later, a bell dinged beside a locker-sized opening...

"Go ahead... try it on...", said Dr. Henderson with a smile.

Derek pulled on the breastplate, raised the hood over his head, and tapped the activation key on his wrist... holographic feathered sleeves generated down each of his arms, then solidified into being.

Derek grinned and said, "Let's see what this thing can do..."
