Friday, April 23, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: Arcane Knowledge Part 1

A beautiful blue woman walked along a road in the middle of a busy city. The blazing sun cast a deep shadow beneath her, and the breezes were a mix of salty air and dry sand. None of this seemed to cause this strange woman any discomfort. She continued on her walk, the red hair dancing as the winds picked up.

“Hey, lady. You want to get out of the street!” A motorist yelled at her in Arabic.

She turned and slowly cocked her head at the man waiting for her to pass. “How dare you speak to the Master of Mental, little human.” her mind said to him.

He gasped, “I heard that… in my head. What are you?”

She waved her hand as a blast of psychic energy shoved his car back, sliding it sideways and nearly tumbling it over. “Be gone!”

Almost immediately, sirens blared and police cars were heading her way. She cast her eyes around and dismissively sighed. Holding out her hands, she lifted into the sky and flew five stories above the ground. People were concerned, and the police sent a few cars to follow.

Soon she landed in the middle of an excavation site. She knelt down and felt the ground. Suddenly a wave of red energy blasted out and covered all the surfaces for a moment.

“What are you doing?” A man rushed up to her.

She looked at him with a brief smile. Through her mind she said, “Ah, a man of learning.”

“Woah, where did that voice come from?” He looked around.

She cocked her head at him, “tell me, is this the famous Library?”

He searched for the source of that voice in his head. “Uh, yeah. This was a storage area for the Library of Alexandria. It was destroyed about eighteen hundred years ago.”

She softly shook her head, “then, this is before our time. Pity, it made such sense.” Without warning, she flew straight up, away from the ancient excavation site.

Hovering several miles in the sky, she called out with her mind. “I did not locate the Keeper. My search was in vain.”


In a distant museum, long after hours of operation, the winged figure of the Master of Supernatural
stopped and looked up at a painting. He studied it for a moment, focusing on the book in the hands of a person.

He spoke aloud, answering that voice in his head. “I too have failed to find the Keeper. Evidence of its existence has proven impossible to find.”


The Master of Strength fought two heroes at once in the Tokyo Fight Club. He grabbed both and bashed their heads together. Dropping the unconscious bodies on the ground, he paused and looked up.

“The Keeper may not be formed yet. Have you not considered this?” The lion man suddenly twisted around and kicked a third hero that was trying a surprise attack.

The voice in his head from the Master of Mental said, “no. I have sensed its presence since I awoke. It came to be before us. It has been granting us life. We must find it.”


A rush of a wave crashed against the Hawaii shore. The water formed into a man and continued walking toward a lava flow. Once it reached the lava, the water exploded into steam and the lava then took on
the same human form.

The Master of Elemental looked at his liquid rock hand and smiled. Then he looked up at the night sky and closed his molten eyes. “I sense the surge of morphon. The power grows steadily within the realm of nature. The Keeper will be with us soon.”

The voice in his head said, “How can you be sure of this?”

“I know what I know. This Keeper, this last Avatar of the Morphons, will reveal itself when the moon is the fullest. Only then shall we see them in their true form.”

The voice spoke, “then, we must be ready for its arrival. Protect it from those who wish to use it for harm.”

The Master of Supernatural said, “Where would be safe? How could we know where it will reveal itself?”

That voice said, “I do not have the answer.”


“But, I do.” A pile of computer parts and other debris shifted around in a room within the concrete walls of a strange cell. The pieces came together and slowly formed into a humanoid figure.

The voice spoke to him, “Master of Tech, we have not heard from you.”

“They have given me a home with friends. I believe I am their captive, but I do not feel bad. These people mean well. I have enjoyed my time resting among brothers and sisters.” he ran his foot through the random technological components littering the space.

The voice said to him. “What do you plan?”

“As we all awoke, we were met by friends. I believe we can trust these friends and they can help us.”

Master of Mental said, “If you feel this is the wisest course of action. We shall follow your lead.”


Nova stood in the middle of the Operations center. Chase walked in, nursing a hot cup of coffee. She stood next to him and grumbled out something that was supposed to be “good morning.”

“I see you’re still recovering from that poison Arx gave you.”

“Dr. Henderson thinks the dose he gave Quark, and me was a different formula. I guess he didn’t want us going out of our head before we got him back up to the station. I still think about how I drooled over that guy and acted like an idiot. I mean, he’s hot, but I don’t remotely like him like that. I’m not some guy crazed…”

“I get it.” Nova stopped her.

A robot announced, “incoming message from Hero: Krystal Fae.”

“Put her through,” Nova said.

Krystal appeared on the main monitor, her hair glowing brighter than usual. “Nova, good. I have something interesting to report.”


“I started feeling strange over the past few hours. Not bad or sick, just… more powerful. I checked with others, and only magical heroes are feeling this strange surge.”

Nova said, “just what we need, one of those avatar things are about to show up and challenge everyone.”

Chase sipped her coffee and looked at a robot. “Any report from our morphon scanners?”

“Negative, Agent Chase.”

Krystal said, “I checked the morphon fields as well and even contacted Quark before calling you. No strange localized spike yet. So, we can’t be certain this is an avatar appearing.”

Nova said, “lets assume, for the moment, that it is. Contact the magically inclined heroes and start the whole contest. Get a head start on this. If this turns out to be a false alarm, at least you guys can get some practice in.”

“Understood, Krystal out.”
