Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Krystal's Crystal Power: Mental Manipulation

Krystal was having a quiet afternoon off... 

As she sat at a table at her favorite cafe, she noticed a suspiciously scruffy young man.

He was wearing an olive drab jacket, despite the warmth of the day. What caught her attention was the fact that his head was lowered, and he was muttering to himself. His right hand was forced deep into the pocket of the coat.

"This looks like trouble brewing...", she thought.

She quietly walked up behind him and began to hum a quiet tune. As she did, she scanned him telepathically. As she suspected, the man was one of the homeless mentally ill.

She continued humming her tune, as she gently touched his mind. She cleared as much of the confusion as she could, then made a mental suggestion to seek counseling.

After a few moments, his muttering faded and he looked around as if noticing his surroundings for the first time. He removed his hand from the weighty pocket of the jacket and used it to wipe the sweat that suddenly beaded his brow. He turned, muttered "Excuse me." to Krystal, and hurried past her and out the door.

Krystal returned to her table, satisfied that her gentle manipulation had diffused what might have become a tragedy.
