Friday, April 16, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction Short: Avatar of Supernatural


Agent Justin and Chase walked through the hallways of a busy museum. People stopped and took in the amazing historical art pieces on display. Guides led along several groups of school children.

“Are you sure this is the place?” Chase asked.

Justin stared at his small device. “Yes. The morphon spikes around this city have been incredible over the past week. Each time the spikes start, the first one happens here, and it’s always the biggest.”

Chase paused before a large painting of angels. “Well, at least it’s a pleasant location. This exhibit of Angelic artwork through the ages is amazing.”

Justin had walked on and was now circling a large room that had statues and paintings all around, most on pedestals. People gave him funny looks as he continued moving. “I’m getting something. Right on schedule, a morphon spike is starting. This is amazing…” he buried himself in his sensor, taking every measurement he could.

A docent marched over to Chase, “please escort your companion out of here, he is disturbing our guests.”

Chase held up her ID, “sorry, this is an official BADGE visit. Just making sure this place is safe.”

“This place is perfectly safe. We have excellent security and, as you can see, there isn’t anything going on right now. So, unless you wish to be escorted out by force, you can leave.”

Chase put away her ID and casually walked over to Justin. “Are we done here? I don’t want to beat up any security guards today and I’m certainly not going to be kicked out by a rent-a-cop bozo.”

Justin slapped the side of his sensor, “Sure, we can...why won’t this...what is this thing doing?”

The docent huffed, “what is going on? Please leave.”

The light in the room grew brighter and thousands of small specs of glowing dust swirled around. The specs swirled closer and closer together, forming a bright ball of light.

“WHAT IS THAT?” The docent asked.

Justin answered, “That is pure morphons, and they’re radiating the same frequency. This is definitely the next location of one of those avatar things.”

Chase said, “where is the person? It’s always a person?”

“I don’t know.” Justin moved the scanner as the ball of glowing light danced around the room.

It flew through statues, passed through paintings, and came to a stop right in front of Justin and Chase. The light grew brighter as the swarm of glowing specs compressed. Finally, it took the form of a person. The light died down and in its place was a man wearing nothing but pants. On his back were a pair of glorious white wings. Behind him was a painting of an angel that appeared exactly like this person.

He looked at Justin and then at Chase. Smiling, he said, “you… take me to the Keeper.”

The docent trembled as she approached, “I...I charge here...who are you?”

He cocked his head at her with great curiosity. “You are not one of the users. Be gone, little creature.” He swung his hand out and a wave of light shoved the docent back.

Chase said, “Don’t do that! Do not hurt civilians or you will answer to me.” She materialized her blades.

He smiled at her, “ are a user. You have morphons in you. Take me to the Keeper.”

“What is this Keeper?” She asked.

“The head of the avatars, the supreme intelligence of our kind. Has he not revealed himself to you yet?”

“Not that we are aware.” Justin said.

This man lifted his hand again to send Justin away, “Do not speak to me, creature.”

“STOP!” Chase stood in front of Justin. “Who are you and what do you want here?”

“I am an Avatar of the Morphons, Master of the Supernatural.”

Chase huffed, “another one. Look, I don’t know what this keeper is you’re looking for, but so far we have had a lot of you Avatars showing up. Go find the others. Maybe they know. Leave these civilians and this art alone.”

He smiled as he looked around the room. “I do like this craftsmanship. Beauty is a gift, and so is my blessing. If the Keeper has not revealed himself to your kind yet, then I must ready your world.” He held his hands closer together and a ball of light formed. “Tell the users that I challenge them. Those who have tapped the power I represent shall be tested. With this light, I give all those who use my power greater strength, that they might know the glory of the Supernatural. If they fail to impress me, then I will remove my blessing from all who use it.” He threw his hands up and that ball of light burst. When the flash died down, he was gone.

Chase said, “looks like we’ve got another one.”

Justin pulled out his comm, “Nova, this is Agent Justin, looks like it’s another challenge from an Avatar.”
