Sunday, April 18, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: Bad Publicity Part 7


The lights low, candles graced the tables, and heroes chatted amongst themselves as they sipped various mixed drinks. Music echoed throughout the halls while some heroes were brave enough to dance.

Arx strolled out with a pair of drinks in his hands. He stopped at a standing table where Nova quietly watched the party with a judgmental gleam in his eye. “Hey, sourpuss. This is supposed to be a fun evening. Where do you keep your smiles stored?”

“Don’t push it. I’m barely keeping myself from sending everyone back to their quarters for the night.”

Arx held up a drink, “come on. Have something to drink. This is my specialty.”


“Just have one. Might loosen you up.”

“I don’t need loosening up.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Fine. If it will get you to stop talking to me.” Nova snatched the drink and took a sip.

Arx bid him farewell and joined his date. Chase waited for him at their table. She was now in a slinky red dress with her hair up. She accepted the second drink from him and they chatted and laughed.

At another table, Gar sat with EB, who was smoldering with jealousy. “Who does he think he is? Big shot celebrity come along and try to steal MY girl.”

Gar said, “I thought you were a big fan of his?”

“I was, till he started smooching Chase. What if I…” he snapped his fingers and an enormous egg appeared above Arx.

Gar said, “I don’t think that’s wise.”

The egg vanished, “true. I’d hit chase with that mega-stink bomb as well. Can’t do that. He deserves it. Though, he makes a good drink.” He sipped his drink.

“I didn’t know you drank alcohol?” Gar said.

EB nodded, “I don’t. This is a special carrot juice blend he made. It’s really fantastic.” He noticed Gar’s new appearance. “You look… different?”

Gar rubbed his hand across his stone chest, which was glistening. “I tried using something to shine myself. Chase seems to like that.”

EB laughed, “so, you’re jealous too.”


“Sure.” EB said and then sipped some more.

Nova fumed as he finished his drink. Arx was showing off and doing exactly what Nova didn’t want any hero to do, be arrogant. BADGE doesn’t need heroes who are in it for the appearance only.

His comm beeped, and he punched a button on his wrist. “Nova here.”

“Sir, we’re looking over the analytics of the anti-morphon lasers. I think you should come see this.”

“I’ll be right down there.” He punched the button again and finally had a smile tonight. He had a reason to leave this event.


Nova entered the main computer lab on the station. Dozens of stations surrounded the room with

various forms of equipment for analyzing and working on technical items. The anti-morphon weapons were hooked up to more than half of the stations, with the computers running continually.

Several scientists hovered over one of the primary stations, each giving the read-out some deep thought.

“Report?” Nova asked.

The lead scientist answered. “Sir, we have put these weapons through every test imaginable. The system on the gun is sophisticated and unique. However, there is little about this that makes it any different from a regular laser weapon.”

Another scientist in a wheelchair rolled up and typed in a command, which changed the screen. There were several videos showing firing tests in a controlled room. “We used this on every target at our disposal, they read as basic lasers.”

Nova looked over the specs and said, “I don’t pretend to know how to interpret all of this, but there has to be something you are missing. Unless, these aren’t the weapons from North Onnotangu.”

A woman shook her head and held up her computer tablet. “I’ve checked all the metallurgic data. These guns were manufactured in North Onnotangu and are the same age as the guns used there. Unless whoever designed these went to outlandish extremes to fool us, these must be the same weapons.”

The lead scientist said, “there may be the possibility that we’re missing something. That one tiny, seemingly insignificant element of this weapon is hidden from us, yet poses a lethal threat to a morphon based meta-human.”

Just then the door opened again and in came Arx carrying a small tray. “So, this is where you guys are hiding. You’re missing one heck of a party.”

Nova huffed, “why don’t you go back to the party, we are busy in here with actual business.”

Arx came over and doled out drinks from his tray to the scientist. “Everyone on this station is down there except these poor people. I thought I could come and share a little of the fun with them. Besides, I might lend a hand. I studied computer engineering in college, you know.”

Nova’s one good eye twitched, “I think you ‘expertise’ is not quite up to the task.”

“Oh, don’t be so stiff. Let me see if I can help. After all, I’m joining the hero game and want to be a contributing member of this team.”

Nova looked back at the lead scientist, “just finish your thought.”

“Oh, uh, sure. What I was saying is that this weapon defies our ability to determine its function to neutralize morphonic people. The only way to fully test and see what part of these causes that to happen would be to fire it at a living creature with a high content of morphons in its system. However, if this weapon works exactly as reported, that would vaporize the target and…”

Nova finished that, “would be murder.”

Arx set the tray down, “you could fire it at me.”

Nova muttered under his breath, “don’t tempt me.”

“What?” Arx asked.

“Nothing. I’m afraid we can’t do that.”

The scientist said, “it is curious that the weapon didn’t harm you. But, it would be far too risky to try that a second time.”

Arx said, “well, it was just a thought. Why don’t you let me look at this over here.” he walked around to another station. “Oh, cool! You have the dytra seventy five analytic decompiler! I worked with the fifty back at Walters State.”

The woman joined him, “you know about this equipment?”

“Sure. I loved reverse engineering. Being able to take apart something and see how it was made was a thrill. Let me take a shot at this. Oh, you got this hooked up here.” He pulled a cord out and plugged it in another slot, “here would be better. Now, lets see how this reads.” he worked the controls.

Nova said, “perhaps I underestimated your abilities.”

“People always do.” Arx said as he continued to work.

Nova looked to the lead scientist, “he can stay and help as long as he is helpful. The moment he becomes a distraction or a problem, kick him out.”


Nova left the laboratory and paused outside the room. He held his head and wavered for a moment. “I only had one drink. Must just be tired.” He then headed back toward the party to send the people back to their quarters for the night now that the guest of honor was busy.


Agent Justin laughed louder than was called for a terrible pun Cosmic Infinity just made. Then Cosmic Infinity passed out right on the table. Just had a bleary look in his eyes, the same as everyone else. His comm device beeped and made a strange noise.

“What… what is going… on?” He picked it up. “The computer… she’s so funny. I laugh at the computer all day long…” he fell over. His comm device continued showing him a warning, but he was too gone to notice it.
