Monday, April 12, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: Bad Publicity Part 1

A silver, muscular hero smashed through a wall and flew straight into the sky carrying a lovely damsel in distress. He set her down on the roof of a building and gave her hand a swift kiss.

“Oh, Arx, you saved me!” The woman said.

Arx laughed, “all part of the job description. Now, back to finish the job.”

He flew away and met a giant man with a power punch right to his chest. This towering villain stumbled back and fell against several buildings. He swiped his hand through the air and knocked Arx down two city blocks. The hero crashed into the street and then plowed a long distance until he finally came to a stop.

The giant blue skinned man turned and dashed toward him, crushing cars, street vendor carts, and other various items along his path.

Arx came around quickly and grabbed the end of an empty bus. He spun around and threw the vehicle at the approaching giant. This did little good as the giant merely caught it and tossed it aside. However, this wasn’t an attack, just a distraction. Right behind that bus flew Arx. The giant wasn’t ready for the second powerful object heading for his face and was hit in the forehead. Arx quickly grabbed the monster’s ears and yanked him down, slamming his head into the pavement.

Standing right next to the fallen villain, Arx put his hands on his hips and said, “had enough?”

The giant shrank down, revealing a meek scientist, shivering in disgrace. The nerd admitted defeat and let the police take him away.

Chase stuffed her mouth with popcorn as she watched this spectacle on the screen of the station’s theater room. On one side sat Krystal Fae, on the other sat Gar.

As the credits rolled by, Krystal said, “I just can’t get enough of these Arx movies.”

Chase nodded, “I love him.”

Gar gave them both a quizzical look, “movies about heroes saving the world? But, that is what we do all the time?”

Chase laughed, “I know. But, he’s so hunky. I just love watching him.”

Gar frowned, “hunky?”

Krystal said, “it just means we like to look at his body. And, trust me, Arx enjoys showing it off.”

“I don’t get it?” Gar answered. “I have big muscles just like him, and I don’t cover myself, so anyone can see them. What makes him special?”

Krystal said, “why, I think you’re jealous.”

“I am not jealous. Just curious.”

Chase reached over and rubbed his arm. “Trust me, I enjoy looking at you too. But, since we work together, I look at you differently most of the time. We are good friends and coworkers.”

“I don’t understand.” Gar said.

Just then Director Nova came down the aisle near the wall. “Don’t worry, Gar, there is much about women you will never understand.”

Chase said, “and we like it that way.”

Just then a blue flash of light filled the room as Strange Quark appeared in the seat next to Gar. “So, the movie over yet?”

Nova nodded, “looks like it.”

Chase said, “tell me again why Arx sent us a preview copy of his newest movie. It isn’t even streaming yet.”

Krystal answered that, “when he sent it to me to bring up here, he said it had something special in it for us. But, to get to it, we would have to watch his movie.”

Nova looked up and huffed, “looks like we’ve got an hour of credits to go through.”

Quark laughed, “it’ll take that long just to roll through all the personal assistants Arx had while making this movie.”

Gar asked, “who is this Arx? Why would he have a message for BADGE?”

Nova said, “Arx was formerly known as Craig Wenzel. He was a nobody trying to make it in Hollywood. He contracted with some scientist who experimented with a growth hormone that was infused with morphonic properties. It changed him and made him big, muscular, and apparently attractive to audiences.”

Krystal asked, “if he was given powers, did they send him to BADGE to be tested?”

“Yes. And he trained just long enough to learn how to use them without killing anyone. To be honest, he really isn’t that powerful. More than half of the crap he does in those movies is CGI. Mostly, they made him beefy and have silver skin. He’s no stronger than any other body builder, he just doesn’t have to lift weights to keep that body. I was glad when he wanted to leave us, he was too camera hungry. I don’t need heroes who want to make a big splash for the media to see.”

Quark said, “what if he’s wanting to join up with BADGE again?”

Nova shook his head, “not that fame-hungry celebrity. He would have to work up here. Down there he can just smile for the camera, flash those over-sized shiny muscles, and get paid in fame and fortunes. Besides, I told him he wasn’t welcome.”

Chase asked Nova, “so, do you have any idea what he wants?”

“Probably to get us to come to his next premier. Now that you guys are getting more famous and he plays superheroes, he probably wants photo ops. I won’t allow it, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s all this is.”

The credits ended, and a new video started. Arx sat in his dressing room, smiling at a camera. “Hey, I

hope Nova is watching this. I got some info for BADGE. I was shooting on location in Canada a few weeks back. I was out doing a meet-and-greet in this tiny town in the middle of nowhere Canada, Tumbler Ridge. While I was there, I saw this dude that looked just like the guy you’re hunting, you know, the one who built that thing that attacked Vegas as while back. Well, anyway. I’m still up here shooting and I’d love to go on a mission with some genuine heroes to check this out. Arx out! PEACE!” he flashed a peace sign, and the video stopped.

When everyone looked over at Nova, they found him pinching the bridge of his nose.

Chase asked, “how would he even know about that scientist? I thought Dr. Osteen’s identity was top secret.”

Nova said, “that moron has kept the BADGE gear I told him to return. We sent heroes to retrieve it, but he, somehow, still has some of it. That is the only plausible explanation for why he knows about this. And, if we don’t go there and see to this, he might go in alone. The last thing I need is to have an international celebrity get himself killed by a mad scientist.”

Quark said, “sooo, you’re more worried about a bad PR situation than his life?”

Nova said, “just get yourselves down there and see what you find. Don’t make a mess AND don’t let him use you for any publicity.”

“Understood.” Chase answered.
