Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: Bad Publicity Part 2

Dr. Osteen set up a series of blood tests with a large vial of blood drawn from several of his creatures. The computer began the process, and he sat down in his chair. Kicking his feet, he wheeled across the room and punched in a command to a different computer and looked at specs from a circuit board.

“Good. This is a much better design.” He changed the screen to a 3d model that allowed him to change components and test them in a virtual setting. “I love working for people with limitless funds and access.”

A sharp ding startled him, and then he wheeled across his lab in a new direction and popped open a microwave. Taking out the steaming hot burrito, he set the plate on a counter and slowly blew across it. While he sat there waiting for his lunch to cool off, he took in the glorious view out the window. Sharp, white capped peaks, with thick trees halfway up. Above were blue skies filled with wispy clouds and a few screeching hawks.

“Man, I love it here. Wish I had a hot tub out there.”

Suddenly a covering slammed shut over the window and the lights went out. The only light in the room was from the tiny dots of emitted by buttons and screens glowing with readings.

“Dangit! The generator is…”

The lights snapped back on and across from him, on the other side of the table in the middle of the room, stood the strange man named Delta glaring at him.

“Oh, it’s you. How d’you get in here?” Osteen asked.

Delta said, “I can come and go as I please, anywhere.”

“Cool. Hey, can you get me into…”

“I am not here for a chat. I am here for a progress report.” Delta stated.

Osteen got up from his seat and straightened out his lab coat. “I’ve been submitting them like you guys wanted me to. What’s with the personal visit? Did I do something wrong?”

Delta looked at several of the computers as he strolled about the room. “You’ve been prompt with your updates and information. However, I have some concerns.”

“Concerns?” Osteen asked. “What concerns?”

“Have you been able to identify anything more about the avatar situation?”

Osteen picked up several tablets and found the one he was looking for. He flipped through pages until he had his data. “Yeah, so, I was able to isolate the morphonic frequencies and determine the variations among them. I was on the cusp of learning something and then BAM, I have some kind of living thing calling himself an avatar.”

“Yes.” Delta said this slowly as he looked at the data. “It appears you had a breakthrough that will only help us.”

“In what way?” Osteen asked.

Delta spent a moment in silence and then said, “for now, just keep studying this phenomenon. Send us your data and we will decide how your proceed.”

Dr. Osteen cautiously said, “to continue this, I need to study phase two of my plan, infusing power into a subject.”

Delta actually smiled, “good. You are showing progress where we have failed. This is exactly why we recruited you.”

Dr. Osteen said, “I have a subject in mind as well.”

“We know,” Delta stated as he stood near the microwave. “You have been reckless, Osteen. Heading into town without any care about concealing your identity.”

“You guys send me all the supplies I need, including food. But, it’s all healthy crap. A man needs a twinkie now and then.”

Delta poked the hot burrito. “Of course. However, your face is on the most wanted list of every national and international intelligence agency. One traffic camera glimpses you, and they will have a team of specialist combing these mountains for you.”

Osteen gulped, “oh, uh... I doubt this tiny town is sophisticated enough to have cameras everywhere. Besides, if I hadn’t gone there, I wouldn’t have discovered my subject.”

“Precisely why we aren’t as angry with you as you deserve. We know who you found, and we’re pleased with the initiative. Just, send us a list of the items you want and we will make sure all your... culinary desires are met. Do not go back into any populated area again.”

“I will. Thanks.”

“Don’t thank us, just deliver results. Soon, your subject will be here and that is where our next phase begins. Here are your orders.” He handed Osteen a small tablet.

Reading it over, Dr. Osteen frowned, “this is elaborate.”

“Just follow them. We will monitor the data on our end and garner what we need. He will prove most useful for this part. Don’t, under any circumstance, allow him to know of us. Are the guns ready?”

Osteen quickly retrieved one of the weapons from North Onnotangu. “Yes, the Morphon atomizers are all ready, updated to the specs you sent last week.”

“Good. Then we are ready for the plan. Don’t fail us.”

Just then the lights went black again and then came back on almost instantly. Dr. Osteen was once again by himself.

“Wicked.” He commented.


The BADGE official shuttle lowered through the clouds and headed down toward a landing zone marked off in the middle of an abandoned parking lot.

“Tell me again why we are arriving like this?” Quark asked.

Chase said, “because, this is a small town that a Hollywood crew has already invaded. If a band of BADGE superheroes just popped in, it might scare the locals.”

Quark shrugged, “so a few people wet their pants. Big deal. It takes two hours to get from the station to this landing zone. I could have us there in four-tenths of a second.”

Chase said, “no, thank you. I get incredibly dizzy when you zap me from the station to the surface.”

“I don’t get dizzy.” Gar said.

Quark smiled, “so, if you don’t mind. Gar and I will just…”

The robot at the helm said, “prepare for landing.”

Quark sat back and huffed as the shuttle settled down onto the pavement.

Chase stepped out first and was followed by Quark. Gar stopped at the door and marveled for a moment, “it’s pretty here.”

Chase looked up at the Rockies in the distance. “Yes. It is beautiful.”

Quark muttered, “and this town could fit in the stations arboretum.”

“Well, we’re not here on vacation.” Chase sad. “We’re here to investigate this situation Arx has alerted us to.”

“Speaking of Arx, where is he? He said he would meet us here.” Quark looked around.

Just then a limousine rolled up and stopped. A chauffeur stepped out and opened a back door. “Mr. Arx has sent me to escort you to the set.”

Quark was all smiles and jumped right in. “you comm’n? This is ritzy.”

Chase shook her head, “we don’t have time for this, but I guess.”

Gar tried to get in, but his wings prevented it. He smiled at the snooty chauffeur and said, “I will fly along behind.”

“Very well, sir.”

With that, all were off to the filming encampment on the other side of town.
