Monday, April 26, 2021

Coloring Event!! FREE MP

 Hey everyone, time to pull out those finger paints and sharpen those crayons. Yes, it's time for another coloring event. I provide pencil sketches that are the base for some of my paintings for power card art in the game, and you add your own color and background. No winners, no losers, just artist. 

I really enjoy these events, I love seeing how creative and unique each person is. The personal touch added by each player shows off their own style. You don't have to be a pro to participate, just have fun.

For my part, I love working on these sketches. For these events I often provide the base sketch I made to start a new power card or item card. When I do art for the game, sometimes the art is aligned with a need, such as when we need a new movement power card or a pic for the next raid, or something like that. However, sometimes I just paint over a sketch, turn it into a hero, and add it to our stock of art-to-be-used. The sketches are figure studies I have done. I do these studies just to keep my eye sharp and to explore various poses. Thus, several of these started out as a general figure study that I eventually used to paint as a power card. 

That all said: Here are the rules

  • Keep the art PG-13
  • Add color however you wish.
  • Use the provided sketches for the coloring, you may add background and other elements to the character and image.
  • Post the finished versions in this thread on the Facebook page.
  • For each of your colored pics you earn a sell-back power card. Each player can earn up to three 'Good Job' power cards, each worth 10mp. 
  • Have fun.
  • This event will run through May. 
  • We will feature the finished images in special in-game news feed posts.
  • NOTE: If you want a larger version to color, DM Me (Dan Peyton) and I will send you one. Facebook and Blogger condense images for space.
