Sunday, April 18, 2021

Contest Entry: What were you doing when... Giant Robot

Over the next few weeks, entries for the Fiction Contest: What were you doing when... will be featured in-game, in no order of merit, except for the top three winners, who will be revealed last.

Here is the entry by The Sword of Gerraxia:

It was a pleasant winter day in Colorado where Gerri Star was having a lunch date with her boyfriend, James Keebler.  He had taken her to a quaint restaurant.  It was casual and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.  There was quiet and peaceful music playing.  With both of their lives being busy now, her as the Sword of Gerraxia and him running the cookie company, it was nice when they could just get together and be themselves.  Two young (elf) lovers.

    "Thanks, James, this is just what I needed," Gerri stated as she looked over the menu.  Their glamour's were up so no one knew they were elves.

    "You and me, both," James agreed.  "Who knew running a cookie company was so exhausting?  Uncle Ernie made it look so easy."  That got a smile from Gerri.

    "I think you're doing great," she gave him a peck on the cheek.  "You've introduced some new products and sales have improved."

    "Thanks, but what you do is more important," he said.  "Working with B.A.D.G.E. and being part of the 1st Spacemarine Battalion.  I get to see you on the news and there is so much that you do.  It kind of makes me feel insignificant."

    "James, after all we've been through," She thought back to her fights with Redd Capp, "You will never be insignificant to me.  We grew up together, we have fought many monsters together.  There is no one sweeter than you.  I still can't make those cookie shields like you do."

    "It's not hard," he said.  "You just mark the protection rune on a cookie," he explained.  She leaned over the table and kissed him with a smile.  He was always so humble.  She smiled at him.

    "That never works for me," she laughed.  "All my shields are just magical energy."

    "But you have the old powers," he corrected.  "You inherited that from your ancestor."

    "That just means I don't have to use runes," she said.  "I just have focus through my ring."

    "Speaking of rings," he reached for a small box in his coat pocket.  Suddenly her B.A.D.G.E. communicator went off.

    "S.O.G.," Massah Gunnz voice came over the communicator, "there's a situation in Las Vegas, Nevada.  We know you're in Colorado just meet us there.  It appears to be a giant robot thing.  B.A.D.G.E. called in everybody, Hoo Rah!"

    "Looks like I have to go," she sadly stated.  "Hold that thought?"  She took his hand and squeezed.  "I miss you." She magically changed her clothes into her costume and left the restaurant.  He watched her fly into the sky and head north west.

    "Maybe next time..." He sighed as he held out the engagement ring he wanted to give her.
