Monday, June 13, 2022

Birthday Card Power Cards have been added to collections for 3rd Birthday

For those heroes who put modest effort into crafting birthday cards for other players to search for during the week+ period celebrating Heroes Rising's 3rd birthday, a special gift can be found in their Power Card inventories.

Depending on the varied entries made, players may have received 2 or more copies of their cards, depending on the quality and number of different entries. These Defensive Power Cards have a resale price of 18MP and ATT/DEF/MOV values that place them in line with cards that sell in the Armory for 52MP.

Thanks to Jade Reilly's post on the Heroes Rising Players Page on Facebook, there was access to art crafted by several players. Thank you Jade for making the post so others could see some of your favorites.

There are likely others that were made that were of high quality, but due to the nature of the mailing process, only those who made the card and those who received one know the image presented. If you have a card you are positively proud of, or one you received and would like to share, be sure to add it to Jade Reilly's post to share it with others.

If nothing else, remember for the future that these activities can earn quality in-game rewards. Make sure to take advantage of them for your own gains or for smile a funny or fun card brings to whomever receives it.

