Friday, March 11, 2022

Heroes Rising Fiction: Inquisition Part 9


Chase and Nova both had special headsets on as they communicated with people. Each stood in the middle of the Operations center while watching the main screen.

Chase held her earpiece. “No, don’t run out in the open. We don’t want the media to see that. Get to a secure location and send the signal. Either Strange Quark will get you or there will be a cloaked shuttle waiting.....yes, I know, teleportation makes me queasy too.”

Nova walked by her while he spoke into his. “No, do not engage them. Yes, I know they have guns aimed at your headquarters, but do not engage. Use the secret escape hatch in the back. The shuttle will land in five minutes.....yes, your league is large, but there will already be another league in that shuttle. Just be uncomfortable for a few moments.”

Chase pulled off her headset and let out a heavy sigh. “I have never had to talk to so many people at the same time. How many leagues have they hit so far?”

Nova turned off his headset. “That would make seventeen. And four were top secret locations. How the hell the World Corps is finding them is anyone’s guess.”

Chase asked, “Why are we evacuating them? Why not just tell them to stand their ground? The World Corps may have many people and their own supers. But they will be hard pressed to break into any League HQ.”

Nova said, “I want them to make that first move. To break in.”

“You want them to break in? Then why evac our people?”

Nova pointed at a picture of the gun in the hand of a soldier. “While they have those, too many of our own are at substantial risk. One shot, and they are atomized. Once we can be secure from their weapons, I want to provoke them to make the first move. Then, and only then, can we fight back. If the world sees us as the aggressors, then we are lost. But, if we are defending ourselves, we will be seen as the victims. And that is our only hope of swaying public opinion back to our side. Against all my personal feelings, public opinion is important if we are to maintain our operation in keeping this world safe.”

Robot 10915 announced. “Director Nova, analysis complete. Identifications confirmed.”

“Finally. On screen now.”

The various images from the League HQ’s being attacked changed to two pictures taken from the WMD attack. One side of the screen showed the male super, the other side was the female. Each had dozens of files on the screen with other pictures of each person.

Chase read the data aloud. “Dr. Lewis Mathews, surgeon at the Morristown Hospital in Hamblen County, Tennessee. Missing three months ago.”

Nova pointed to the woman. “Paula Frank, housewife and blogger. No children. Reported missing four months ago.”

Ambassador Talos came in, wiping his forehead. “Wow, you would not believe how much talking I have to do to get through to some of these politicians. I thought my committee work was arduous. Trying to convince these politicians that BADGE isn’t horrible is like talking to a brick wall that is currently trying to fall on you. Your robot monitoring me even looked bored, ha! Hey, who are those two people?” He stopped next to Nova and looked at the screen.

Nova said, “evidence. We now have confirmed three of the supers that are employed by the World Corps are missing persons who have been augmented. This proves that the augmented people that attacked Washington were created and used by the World Corps as a ruse to enact this current situation. Not only are they guilty of manipulating the UN and nations, they are mass kidnappers conducting illegal experimentation.”

Ben rubbed his chin. “That’s a lot of supposition from just a few pictures.”

Chase said, “it makes sense!”

“Now, now, don’t get angry at me. I have to think like the politicians I have to deal with. They always try to see the angle. And, you have to admit, that BADGE has an angle. But your evidence is pretty damning.”

Nova turned and headed for the back. “I’ll address this with the UN myself. They need...”

“Hold on, don’t rush into this.” Ben stopped him. “I know you want to make a point, and you certainly have one. You are still suffering under the propaganda spun against BADGE. I still have the better avenue to get this to their attention.”

Nova was silent for a moment and then pointed at 10915. “Get him the details. Ambassador, we need this done as quickly as you can. This situation could go south quickly.”

“Understood, on it.” Ben was led by the robot back to the conference room.

Chase asked, “what now?”

“Now, we find the information we need. You need to keep helping organize the evacuation of our people. I need to see Arx. He may be our only hope in finding the information.”

“Good luck.” She muttered and then put her headset back on.


Arx quietly watched the Avatars sitting quietly in their caged cells. Doctor Henderson let him take a break from all the attempts to harness his memories. He spent a long time just examining these noble creatures. All the Avatars of the Morphons were here, still frozen from whatever Dr. Osteen did to them.

He paused next to the Avatar of Strength, who was more lion than man. “Why did I have to be so arrogant? Look how much suffering I helped cause.”

“You didn’t do this.” Chase walked into the room. “You were merely another tool in the hands of evil men. Like these creatures, you were used and then tossed aside when they deemed you unnecessary.”

“I want to believe that. But they did not come willingly. They were forced here and then had to be restrained. I worked with the enemy. I helped them. I knew they were doing horrible things, and I went right along. How can I justify that to myself?”

Chase asked, “why the change of heart? The Arx we captured was all arrogance and ego. Even after we defeated you, you were nothing but a stubborn child. Yet, now you seem to have gained some wisdom. I’ve known a lot of villains who spent time behind bars. Most of them remained just as evil and stubborn as the day they were captured.”

Arx continued looking at the creatures in the cages. “I told you I felt shame for what I did. I am to blame.”

“I know. But I want to know where this came from. It takes a lot for someone of, if you will excuse me, the kind of ego you had.”

Arx smiled. “The world kept spinning without me. Hollywood is making movies...without me. My fans are now fawning over someone who is not me. Sitting up here, I realized I wasn’t the superstar I thought I was. I wanted fame and glory, and I had it, but it was a fleeting shadow. Ultimately, I was nothing more than a has-been. It hurt to realize this, but it also helped me see the world through humbled eyes. There was great suffering, and I helped it happen. Why did I do it? Looking back, I cringe when I realized I was just after more fame, more glory. There are people running scared, children crying in dark rooms, parents begging for help...all because of me. My legacy isn’t just tarnished, it has become toxic waste. I hate myself almost as much as I once loved myself. Do you know how that feels? I went from a flicker of light on a screen that made people happy for two hours to a villain that has left people in permanent pain. What kind of monster am I?”

“You understand humility, and it can sting pretty hard. But you can start recovering by helping us.”

Arx said, “I know. And I think I want to try something pretty drastic.”

Chase quietly said, “I know. Dr. Henderson told me about the procedure with that stuff we recovered from Dr. Osteens’ original lab. Nova wants this information, but he cannot order you to put yourself at such risk. It goes against our ethics.”

“Then I will spare your ethics. I’ll submit to the procedure. Whatever it takes, I’ll help. If this costs me my life, then I guess I will have paid for my crimes.”
