Thursday, February 27, 2020

Review of Collaborative Fan-Fiction (February 2020)

A call for collaborative fan-fiction was posted over a month ago, and after reviewing the response and queries, some rules were set out to have it as a monthly competition.

Owing to the evolving nature of collaborations, and the enthusiastic response especially in the last couple of weeks, it has been decided that instead of treating it like a contest with submission deadlines and other restrictions, ongoing collaborative fiction will be reviewed as follows:

1. At the end of each week, all participants of collaborative fiction posted for the week will receive one Reality Writer card worth 10 MPs per post published in the Fiction Forum:

2. At the end of the month, the most outstanding body of collaborative fiction (based on all posts submitted for that month) will be selected, and participants will receive up to three Stop the Presses cards worth 30 MPs each. Highlights from the fiction may be featured on the blog and home page in-game.

Obviously, the more you post, the more Reality Writer cards you will receive, plus active quality ongoing fiction stands a greater chance of getting the top monthly reward.

The contributors for the month of February have already been receiving the weekly rewards, and the top contribution will be announced at the beginning of the following month. So stay tuned and keep up with the awesome stories! 

PS. Those who still want to contribute individual (non-collaborative) stories will continue to receive Reality Writer reward cards for their effort, and outstanding contributions may be featured on the blog and home page in-game. Furthermore, various types of fan-fiction contests will be organized from time-to-time, so look out for announcements on the Heroes Rising Players page. 
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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Do you want a cameo?

Hey there Heroes. I hope you've read the Mythic Chase story from the Valentines event. If you haven't, you can go to the game and find the button for "Lore", inside that you will find all the official canon stories for Heroes Rising thus far. I plan on adding more, so keep watching.

If you have read the story, you will notice that peoples game characters ended up as cameos. Some got a little more screen time than others, but I tried to include several. This game is made possible by you and we want you to be part of the storytelling. 

A month ago we implemented a new minor feature to the Character bio page, the character sheet. This new device gave all players a handy, easy way to flesh our their characters without having to
write a lengthy story. Some people just don't like writing stories....go figure. This wasn't just for fun, this was actually an idea of mine so that I could harness some of the players characters to put into the game. A name and avatar is not much to go on. I don't want to write something completely different than what you feel your character is. So, with that little character sheet, I can know a general idea of who and what your hero is.

Perhaps you don't want to be in the story, or simply don't care. That's okay. However, if you do want a cameo, I need to know. Fill out your Character sheet appropriately and then let me know you wouldn't mind being included. What do I mean "appropriately" ? Well, some people have use the sheet to put in rather adult jokes and silliness. I won't use your character if you only fill the sheet with sex jokes and adult innuendo. (I am not prudish. I have read one that included the fact that their hero spent their off time getting laid. It didn't keep me from using the hero in the story, but I probably won't include that little detail.)  You have to put a little effort in. I have thousands of choices, make me want to use yours. 

The final point is that these are rather short stories, roughly 6000 words. I don't have a lot of room to work with. So, most players will get a brief cameo. I will use some for bigger parts simply because the story needs them, but don't feel any favoritism is involved. I am crafting a story, that is all. If you want a longer, more involved story about your character, write it and post it to the fan fiction forum. You can earn free powers worth good mp for doing so. 
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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Art Post: Lone Warrior

You walk through your lair, shuffling the mail that was just delivered. "Bill, bill, car insurance ad, penny saver, bill...OH YEAH, She responded!" You tear into the letter and out pops your valentine you sent to Miracle Woman. She kissed it and signed, "Sorry, already have a date. Maybe next year." With a swift toss into the air and then a flick of a knife, you pin that letter to the wall. Under your breath you mutter, "Same excuse for the past five years."

Oh, well. Solitary heroism is much more rewarding. Or so you keep telling yourself.

Meet the Lone Warrior. This card was the third in a series of art pieces I did for Valentines day this year. I really didn't know where to go with the third piece. I had a power couple and then a seductive kiss. It was all so sweet, so gooey, so....Valentines. I thought, perhaps not everyone wants to celebrate Valentines. Maybe some people would rather play Heroes Rising than have a candlelight dinner with someone. So, instead of making the third offering for the seasonal card another sweet, pink, gooey fluff piece, I went with a touch of humor. This hero really is NOT into the whole love thing. He will save the day, but...don't expect a cheery disposition about it. In the words of Buddy Sorrel, "You know what they say about the love of a good woman? Keeps you from bowling on Thursdays."

About the art. How do I make a grim hero? There is a short list of cliches for grim, brooding heroes. I didn't want to just rely on those too much. I also wanted him to look, perhaps, a touch disgruntled. I first thought of doing a solo piece of just a hero perched on a building, watching for crime. But, that wouldn't deliver the whole non-Valentine attitude, just the dark knight...and someone already has that patent I believe. Then I had a flash of inspiration. What if he's showing his disdain for the holiday in a small, comical way. This gave me the idea of a hero slouched over a chair, glaring at the viewer with a dismissive attitude, and throwing darts at a Valentine card. I changed the darts to knives, as it felt more...superhero. The color scheme was easy, I needed something that simply felt "meh". He isn't flashy, so grays and blues worked. No mask, I needed all of that face for this. Finally, the letter itself. Of course the heart sells it as a love note. I also made it look damaged, as if he has thrown several daggers at it and retrieved them for round two. My biggest challenge was to prevent him from looking too much like he was posing for the camera. All in all, I believe I was able to balance this well enough.

So, whether or not your Valentine said yes this year, I hope you enjoy this art and card.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Player Art

I was happy to host another color-the-art event. It really isn't a contest, since everyone who enters wins. I don't want to hold this as a contest as I want people to just have fun coloring the images and not feel they aren't good enough to compete with others who might have a different level of skill. When it comes to art, skill level is imaginary. Doing art is good enough.

That said, we had some fun entries this time around and I am pleased to showcase them here in this post. This time I am going to do it differently. We will have each players selections presented with a few notes from me. We will start with the art I did.

Chih Min Chan: Nice work with variations on color and backgrounds. I love the pseudo psychedelic feel to the pictures. Remind me of old record album covers.

 Barton F. McKelvey: Good use of photo editing. Color filling is a nice at to not only add color but bring out odd highlights. It changes the feel of the picture. Good use of backgrounds.

 David Hawk: One picture in particular grabbed your interest. This is good, as it let you play with variations on a theme.

John Schoenfeld: You took a turn with each pic. Very creative use of ideas. I never saw Freddy Mercury in that image...until you drew it, now it makes sense. Though Freddy never quite had that physique. The unicorn is unique. You took a realistic view of the African warrior. And finally, blending the image into the real Heroes Rising background was brilliant. All great work.

Megan Knight: You too picked one and went to town. Good work. Playful coloring and good use of backgrounds. The color balance between the background and what you choose to add to the figure is well done. 

Mike Lance: Another artist who went for the psychedelic. For some reason, this mage really inspired that. You can almost hear the sitars playing in the background.   

Steve Bryant: Most players used their computers to do the art, which is perfectly fine. You chose the old tool of colored pencils. Very good use of this medium. The colors are good, the balance is nice. Not sure why the warrior is stabbing hearts, but at least he's smiling. 

Todd Goode: Speaking of playing with computers, you went to town. Texter overlays and editing. Very good, inspiring work. The triple image using the original coloring you did was a stroke of brilliance. Love it. 

Victor Wanderley Correa: Great work. Another to use all four images. Your color schemes are beautifully well balanced. I loved the way you incorporated different themes into these. To be honest, I think the woman in flight is my favorite, though I like them all. I would love to know all the mediums you used in this work.

Chris Evans: Your one entry is amazing. Love the costume on her and blending with a background from the game was a fun choice. 

Drift Davis: What can I say? What didn't you put in this one? So much going on, and still it captures a single idea. Nice work, I like it.

Edit: I completely missed the second two. Both really cool work. Now they are here to be enjoyed.

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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Heroes Rising Fiction: Mythic Chase part 12

Part 12

“She’s coming around.” A voice spoke over Chase.
Forcing her eyes open, she looked up at the three-eyed face of Strange Quark and an incredibly handsome man. “What...where am I?”
Nova pushed Quark aside and answered, “You’re at BADGE HQ, been here a week.”
“What? I...IT’S CUPID!” She realized who was looking down at her and she nearly fell off the bed. Nova had to restrain her from leaping.
“It’s okay! It’s okay. He’s fine.”
Cupid smiled at her, “My apologies.”
She sat up with the help of Nova. “What’s going on?”
Quark said, “You saved the world.”
“I did?”
Cupid answered, “Yes. You got my bow back in my hand. I woke from that awful place and realized what I had done.”
“What about everyone else?” She asked.
Cupid said, “I’ve been able to undo most of the damage I caused. I cannot return life once it is spent, but I can remove the curse I laid on so many souls.”
Chase was about to ask another question when she remembered her hero, “What about Gar?”
Cupid softly shook his head, “I...I tried.”
“He can’t be dead.” She got up, staggering a bit, and walked over to Gar’s bed. “This isn’t fair.” she put a hand on his cold stone body.
Cupid came up, “Did you love him?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t know the man. I just...I...he saved my life.” She put her head on him and cried. “Why did he do this for me?” Nova held her shoulders.
Strange Quark came over to the other side of the bed, “He was a strange one, and coming from me that’s saying something. I always could make him laugh, I never got to tell him one of my favorites.”
“Not, now,” Nova said.
“No, now is the perfect time. This hired killer killed a rice farmer right in the middle of his work. The killer used small decorative objects. When the police arrived they filled out the report of another knick knack paddy wack.”
Nova groaned, Cupid frowned, and Chase felt Gar’s body moving.
Gar chuckled, “Good one, Quark.”
“GAR!” Chase jumped up.
Nova gasped, “What the...”
Quark smiled brightly, “Gar, you’re alive!”
“I am?” Gar felt his body.
Chase asked anyone, “How is this possible?”
“I have no idea,” Nova answered.
Gar sat up, “Last I remember, we fight bad man with the bow. He left and we came to tell director. Then...THERE’S CUPID!” Gar jumped from the bed and tackled Cupid to the ground, holding him in place. “I have him!”
“Get off me!”
“Gar!” Nova and Quark were pulling him off.
“But, he is...oh, there’s his bow.” Gar stood up and then yanked Cupid to his feet, “Sorry.”
Cupid brushed himself off, “Don’t worry, I’ve been tackled before.”
“Are you okay?” Nova asked.
“Sure. Though, I could use something to eat.” Cupid said.
“Me too.” Chase agreed.
“Come on. We can grab a bite in the mess.”

Nova watched the gathered monitors for a moment and then looked over at Gar and Cupid, both feeling each other’s wings.
Nova approached, “And, how long are you staying with us, Cupid?”
“I’ll be going soon. Now that the situation is settling down, I should be okay. The media has been kind to me.”
“I made certain it would be. You were used against your will. I have no doubt the real enemy knew what you would do and used you as a weapon.”
Gar asked, “To what end?”
“We don’t know. My best guess would be a distraction.”
“Distraction?” Cupid asked.
“Yes. When we battled him for the bow, he said something about having what he wanted just before he left. It was obviously not the bow itself.”
“What could he have wanted?” Gar asked.
Cupid held his bow, “This is my bow. However, I’ve noticed something is different, in such a way I cannot explain.”
Nova said, “We can help you with that. Take it back to our labs...”
“No. What this is made from is beyond your technology. I’ll confer with others of my kind.”
“I suggest you get to work right away. Gar, show you to the exit.”
“Yes, director.” Gar guided Cupid out of the room and toward the lifts.
Nova waited, pondering what all this meant. He watched the interior monitors and saw someone.

A short walk through the HQ, Nova found himself in the main storage room for artifacts.
In the back, near a protected case of jewels, stood Chase. She merely gazed at the precious, powerful gems.
“Thinking of stealing something?” Nova asked.
She didn’t turn around, “Yes.”
“What’s stopping you?” He asked.
She put a hand on the glass, “I don’t know. These past few days have changed me.”
“That’s a good thing.”
“It’s scaring me to my core. Who am I? Two weeks ago I was the most wanted thief in the world, now I am the most celebrated hero. I cared so much for that stone man that I cried over him. I’ve never cried over anyone. What’s wrong with me?”
Nova stepped over, opened the case, and pulled out a large emerald. He held it out to her, “Here.”
“The Kesper Emerald. This is worth...”
“An absolute fortune.” Nova put it in her hand
“If you want to go back to your life, I want you to start out strong. And, since I’m giving this to you, you can go without being hunted.”
She looked at the stone, enamored by its beauty and the profound value.
“However...” Nova said, “I have another option.”
He came closer, “Stay here. Work for BADGE.”
“You can’t be serious?”
“I am. You’re good. You’re clever, a good leader, quick, and stronger than you admit to yourself. I need a person here, someone who has the gumption to stand up to the ego of heroes.”
“What about Gar?”
He laughed, “Gar’s a good helper and hero. I’m his mentor and he’ll still be my second hand for a lot of things. But, he’s naïve, silly, and learning. I need someone who doesn’t need hand-holding and teaching.”
A little smile played on her lips, “Does it pay well?”
“Yes. It pays fine. Perhaps not as well as selling stolen artifacts to billionaires.”
She handed him the Emerald. “I’ll give it a try.”
“That’s all I ask.” He put the gem back and reactivated the security controls.

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Friday, February 14, 2020

Nova's Shuffle is back!

Nova's February Shuffle is here. Spin for your chance at awesome cards! Included are new cards, some of the most powerful in the game. 

Plus new gear will be added very soon, so look out for them.

Available for a limited time only. 
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Heroes Rising Fiction: Mythic Chase Part 11

Part 11

          (In Paris)
Chase came to Nova’s side. “Nova! Come on, get up.”
Nova wept, “It’s all over. There’s no hope for the world.”
Fuma stood next to her, “It’s no use. He’s been overcome by Cupid’s power.”
Quark yelled, “HE’S COMING, MOVE!”
Cupid had caught sight of them and flew their direction.
Quark phased out of sight, and Fuma took up a fighting stance. Chase held up those shuriken, ready for this fight.
“No, he’s ours. Find the bow!” Fuma ran forward to meet Cupid.
Chase looked around, “What? Where do I even start?” Then she saw it. In the distance, there was a bit of color. A golden object glinted among the fallen bodies. “That has to be the bow.” She bolstered her courage and made a mad dash right into the thick of this battle zone.
Cupid was knocked out of the air for a moment and then let out a primal scream as he slammed his ax against the ground. This unleashed a huge wave of that gray energy. Chase couldn’t dodge this in time.
“WATCH IT!” A red armored man hit the ground in front of her and a forcefield came from his body that protected both of them.
Crimson Guardian said, “Civilians were to evacuate!”
“I’m not a civilian. HE’S COMING!”
“Crap.” Crimson turned and scanned a weapon in a fallen hero’s hand.
Chase shoved him out of the way just as Cupid went after them. She threw her shuriken at Cupid. He knocked one away, the other stuck in his arm. Before he could remove it, Crimson blasted him with a red energy beam. Crimson punched and blasted Cupid, while Cupid responded with his own fists and that gray energy. Each time Crimson blocked it with his barrier. More heroes converged on the battle, which gave Chase an even wider opening. She bolted for the bow, leaving Cupid to the others.
“I hate losing my blades, but I did some good...what the?” She felt both shuriken in her hands.
She found the bow in Heretics hands. His once beautiful red wings were now almost black. He wailed about wanting to go to heaven.
“You?” Just then Fiero arrived.
“I found the bow!” Chase pulled it free of Heretics hands.
Fiero nodded, “I was heading for it myself. I...”
Both jerked at the sound of a huge explosion. Bodies fell from above as heroes were caught in the largest energy blast so far. Then the blue skies slowly drained of color.
Chase turned around and saw that no one was left standing before Cupid. He was battered, bruised and even bleeding, but he was the only thing not down.
“It’s over,” Chase whispered.
Fiero shook her head, “It’s not over yet, he’s weak.” She grabbed the bow and launched herself at Cupid.
Chase stood back, her blades ready. She prayed in her heart that Fiero would get that bow to him and this would be all over quickly. The red-haired woman used mental energy to hit Cupid, but he was too strong. She thrust the bow at him almost like a blade. In a quick stroke, he knocked it away and before she could react; he hit her in the back with the ax and she went down. That was it.
The breath in Chase caught in her throat. She looked around in desperation for help. Cupid locked his eyes on her. He showed signs of wearing down, but not stopping.
“The bow.” She said, looking behind him. It was on the ground.
Dashing straight at the approaching god, she threw her blades. He swatted them away with his ax and then sent a wave of energy. She recognized it was a flat disc of energy, not a bubble, so she jumped up on a concrete railing and flipped over the blast before it met her. She had her blades again and threw over and over. Each time they would reappear in her hands. Again he sent that wave of energy, and this time she skidded on her knees, with her back nearly touching the ground. The energy went right over her. She turned and threw those blades, this time aiming for his hands. When he went to deflect them, one stuck right into his wrist. This seemed to cause him a moment of pain. He dropped the ax. The brief confusion left her open to grab the bow. She flipped around and dashed at him.
Cupid flew at her, no longer holding his weapon. She bounded off of a cement pillar and headed right for him. His hands met her throat midair and nearly strangled her. She pressed his bow right into his bare chest. Then her heart broke. He let go of her and she fell back a great distance. The last thing she saw was his hand catching the bow as it fell from his body, a reflexive action.
She lost all sense of concern about the battle, or her own safety. She felt oppressive misery fill her mind, body, and soul. Flowing waters took her away. Would she drown? That didn’t even bother her. Every dark moment, sad reality, lost friend, miserable childhood memory, filled her and she couldn’t function. She washed away while lamenting life.

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