Friday, September 9, 2022

The Hanzo Ninja Clan School Of Anything Goes Martial Arts Presents: Costume Up, Crusaders!

by 10950

It's the start of my favorite time of year again, Halloween! Ok, for most of you, it's still too early for Halloween. But Haunted House Scare Attractions are already starting to advertise. Popup Halloween stores are starting to advertise. And merch has started hitting the shelves of the big box stores. You know what else is just around the corner? The Heroes Rising Halloween Costume Contest!!!! I'll try not to get banned from Facebook this year so I can participate too, but you know me. We'll see. Fingers crossed.

This time of year shouldn't just be on your mind for Halloween. Let me elaborate. We all play a make believe game where we run around as heroes or villains, either saving the day, or giving others a reason to save the day. We pretend in stories we write and in banter between toons both in game and on Facebook. For the time we play, we get to let our imaginations run wild and be Superman, Batman, Ironman, or whomever. Perhaps we straight up copy another property. Perhaps we simply emulate one. Or, perhaps we have created an entirely original character, unlike any other. Well, why stop there? Many of you have seen my videos dressed as Dew Bee or Happy. I even have a Hanzo costume some of you have seen. He's just not as fun to play as the DewBs. I've also seen past year's efforts by many of you in the costume contest, and in all honesty, many of you have done outstandingly well costuming up a real life version of your toons. But let's take it a step farther. I would like to see as many of you as I can take this Halloween season to start putting together costumes and gear for your toons to make videos throughout the year with. Trash talk me or the Mayor in them, or one of your other frienemies, and video record it to share with the rest of the community. You can be serious or silly. Your costume can be serious or silly too. You don't have to make it the best Hollywood can offer. You just have to make it fun. Perhaps you're shy and afraid to embarrass yourself. I am too. But when I put the mask on, it's not me. It's a character. They aren't laughing at me. They're laughing at my character. And that's actually a good thing. And once you get a few under your belt, you'll find it to be LOADS of fun.

So keep a lookout this Halloween season for costumes and gear you can continuously add on to and/or improve upon over the years, to cosplay YOUR character. Then start using that imagination you use when you write for or play this game, to make some fun videos to entertain both you and all your friends here. Those videos could be you trash talking another toon, maybe a quick action short or drama. If you live near other players, get together and make short 5 to 10 minute films together. Remember, they don't have to be good. They just have to be fun. I have a few surprises myself, this year.