Sunday, June 18, 2023

Robert Steele here to give you the top 25 toons Level 800 and up

1) 1A Super Rak Regains the top spot as he keeps Raking up the wins.

2) 1B The Avenger kept the seat warm for Rak as he retires from being the number 1 toon.

3) 1C Neo Hanzo Your move JV.

4) 1D Pissed Off Serpent (POS) for short. Maybe he should of thought about this? time to retire the name?

Chaos theory’s top four have separated themselves from the pack. It seems the others are Retired from trying to keep up.

5) Retired 1 If the player ever catch’s up to the toon watch out.

6) §レαgα†h⊕☈ ][. Not retired.

7) Heretic Was retired now he’s not or is he?

8) Skelly Animal was retired now he’s not or is he?

9) Retired 2. I sense a theme. If only I could figure it out.

10) Damon Punching the clock every day. Not retired.

11) Punlurk He never gets reTIRED OF KICKING ASS.

12) Meat Rising This toon is getting harder and harder to beat. His hand is really really retired though.

13) B.S.C He keeps going and going…Lower on the list but not retired.

14) The Wizard Specialize in magic you say. Respec to earn much Respect. Where’s that damn cat? Retired?

15) The Island He was going to retire but the Deputy Mayor is obsessed with Dak. Dak who?

16) Shadow Wizard. A Wizard for money. So not retired?

17) Squatch Is he real? Is he retired. What toon is he?

18) Shinobi He has retired many a toon. Damn Ninjas.

19) ELE Their was a band ELO . They would sue him but they would have to come out of retirement.

20) Tri-Blade He tried to retire but failed into the top 20.

21) Vendetta Now he can vote. He wants to lower the retirement age.

22) Seraphium The Angel has fallen but was he ever on the list before? I must be getting retired, time for bed.

23) Bartman He was part of a team and then their boss retired.

24) Sarg Ten Hut no time to retire drop and give me 50…Levels.

25) Krystal Fae Beat out the Cocaine Bear for the last spot. Don’t do drugs kids or retire, your a damn kid's after all.

Avenger ID# 14779