Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Test, one two. Test, one two.

If you’re hearing this transmission, Earth needs your help.

You don’t know me, and no, you’re not hearing things. This is real.

I am Agent Nova--not my real name, but I have to be careful. I don’t know if the Legion will be able to intercept these transmissions, and I have people to protect. I’m manipulating these thought-patterns to try to avoid the Legion’s detection, but we still don’t know how powerful they really are. For all I know, they may be listening in to everything I transmit.

If you can hear this, it’s because something is happening to your DNA at the cellular level. You’re changing from the inside out. You may not know it yet, may not have felt anything at all. If so, you’re probably wondering who spiked your eggnog with hallucinogens. I wish it were that simple, nothing more than a strange dream from which we’re all going to awaken. But it’s much, much worse.

Or perhaps you’ve already begun to feel the first stirrings of the transformation. You may have more energy, an extra spring in your step. Sudden surges of strength and vigor, as if you were suddenly young again. Perhaps you’re experiencing strange bouts of incredible intuition, episodes of impossible deja vu, and the feeling that you can practically read people’s minds.

Some of you, some few, already know that these changes go much further, much deeper. You’ve already discovered your newfound abilities, and seen some of what you can do. I’ve been watching the news, listening to the police scanners, seeking you out. That man who stopped that derailed train in London before its passengers were killed. That woman in Rio De Janeiro who miraculously quenched a blazing favela before it killed hundreds.

I know you’re out there. I know you can hear me.

The changes you’ve felt will only continue. The Morphon, a particle introduced to our atmosphere by the Legion is interacting with our DNA in ways they couldn’t predict and we can’t explain. But the result is in us, forever altering who we are and what we’re capable of doing. And as it continues to bond with our cellular structures, these changes will continue. These powers will only grow.

And that is why I’m contacting you. This Legion has provided us with the very weapons that will allow us to defeat them. And we, you and I, all of us, we are those weapons. We must be the heroes to save humankind from our would-be destroyers. We must rise up and defeat them at their own game.

But their game has rules. They will only face us in one-on-one combat, and if we should lose, the Earth will be vaporized.
So I call upon all of you. Develop your talents and your powers. Train hard, and prepare well. For we must test ourselves in battle and ensure that only the mightiest of heroes will face the Legion in combat. This tournament of heroes will reveal the saviors who will protect all of humanity from destruction.

So rise, heroes. It is a new day.
