Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Gathering Storm Part 3

Nova and Quark stepped out into the Operations center. Chase and Gar stood down front, observing the large map.

“Anything to report?” Nova asked, which was his way of greeting them.

Gar turned and rolled his shoulders, “I’m getting movement back in my body.”


Chase walked over to Nova. “I see you aren’t in a cast any longer. All healed up?”

“Almost. My ribs are still sore, but nothing too concerning.”

She turned her attention to Quark. “any luck?”

“No. I couldn’t find one trace of EB or those people.”

Gar asked, “did you check Canada again?”

Quark and Nova walked with Chase down to the front of the room. All gazed up at the map of the world. Quark answered the question. “I’ve searched Canada seven times. I scoured the site where Arx destroyed that underground laboratory. We checked all over the entire country, out into the waters. Nothing. Those people are good at hiding their secrets.”

“Then we are back at square one.” Chase said.

“Not exactly,” Nova firmly stated. “We know where they aren’t, which is a start. Now, we just need to find more evidence of where they are?”

Chase materialized one of her blades. “Let me have a stab at Arx again. I can crack that Hollywood egomaniac.”

Nova shook his head. “We have all the information we’re going to get out of him.”

“I’d still like to draw a little blood from him. Scar that pretty face of his.”

Gar said, “revenge isn’t the answer to our problem.”

Chase tossed her blade aside, “but it’d make me feel better.”

Nova said, “we need to change our focus. We have been simply looking for them, for a way to follow them. They’re too clever at hiding their trail, at covering their tracks. What we need is to look at this with a unique plan.”

“And what plan do you have in mind?” Quark asked.

Nova turned his attention to Chase. “We need help from someone who knows hiding places better than anyone in this world. Someone with a connection to EB that might give us the boost we desperately need right now.”

Gar frowned, “who? Chase?”

Chase answered, “he’s talking about my father.”

“Santa?” Quark gasped. “But, he said he wanted to get away from the superhero business.”

Nova said, “I know. Santa made that clear to all of us, and we will respect that wish as best we can. But this is a unique situation. I think Santa will be convinced to help if it is to save EB. But…”

“You want me to ask him.” Chase said.

“Yes. He’s a friend of mine, but each time I go to see him, it is to ask for his help. It might be nicer coming from you.”

Chase took Nova by the shoulder. “You don’t have to convince me. I don’t get many opportunities to see my father.”

“Can I come?” Gar asked, almost sounding like a little brother begging to be brought along.

Nova nodded, “yes.”

“Director Nova: Incoming transmission from Hero: Ace.” A robot announced.

“Put her through.”

All four turned their attention to an in-set screen on the monitor. A hero stood in the street near a Fight Club. “Director Nova, my League has been patrolling the streets around Paris and the local Fight Club called in a missing person report.”

“This is a matter for the police, not BADGE.” Nova answered.

Ace said, “I thought the same thing. However, the man in question had scheduled a test for morphonic powers, as he had already set the initial sensors off. He never showed up. When the police checked out his flat, he’s gone. He hasn’t shown up for work, church, anything. The camera outside the Fight Club shows him arriving, but then he turns and walks down the alley, and that’s the last he’s seen anywhere.”

Nova stroked his beard. “I don’t like this. An untrained super could get himself hurt, or hurt others.”

“What should we do about this?” Ace asked.

“Work with the police for now. Let them be in charge, but make sure to be part of the investigation. Also, make sure the Fight Club is under constant observation, just in case.”

“Will do, Ace out.” The com ended, shutting the small screen off.

Quark asked, “something wrong?”

Nova shook his head, “It’s nothing...I think.”

Chase asked, “you think? What is it?”

“I hope it is just a coincidence. But our enemy has a penchant for kidnapping their victims. This is probably unrelated, but it bothers me.”

“Should we investigate?” Chase asked.

“No. You head to the North Pole with Gar. Quark will continue the general search. I’ll monitor things up here.”

Chase and Gar hurried out of Operations for the shuttle bay. Quark merely flashed and was gone. Nova spent a long moment looking at the screen. One might see the glint of light on the corner of his eye as he stood there in silence, wishing an annoying little bunny was talking his ear off right now.


“HEY, I WANT TO TALK TO SOMEONE! YOU GUYS ARE GONNA REALLY BE SORRY WHEN I GET AHOLD OF PETA OR THE ASPCA! THEY DON’T LIKE ANIMAL ABUSE! EVEN TALKING ANIMALS MATTER. I mean, they don’t know I can talk. I tried calling them to tell them what I think of their efforts to save bunnies from having their feet chopped off for some silly superstition, and they hung up on me. Me, The Easter Bunny. But, what can ya do? They aren’t all rude. If they really KNEW I was the Easter Bunny, they might not have been so huffy. There was this one guy who talked to me about what they were doing to help fight the fur industry. He was nice and all, but kinda dumb when you really listened to him. He went on and on about how much he liked his pet tree, like you can have a pet tree. It wasn’t even a bonsai. Now there are interesting trees, humans really…”

“WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!” Dr. Osteen walked into the lab, carrying a small device in his hands. He now sported a large metal plate across half his face, and his right leg was artificial, all thanks to the explosive exit by Arx, which destroyed his former lab.

EB, locked in a special cage, banged on the side with his tiny fists. “I ain’t shutting up until you let me leave. I want out of this stupid closet. I have been in dirt holes with more room than this place. What do you do, store your toilet paper in this room? Hello! You can have that stuff delivered nowadays. You don’t need a room like this. Hey, did you know they will deliver toilet paper right to the bathroom if you order from...WOAH!” The irate doctor yanked his small cage up. “Where are you taking me? Letting me go, I hope!”

Dr. Osteen used a gravity beam to hold the unique cage aloft as he marched down a long corridor. “Oh, I’ll let you leave...THIS PLANET!”

EB rolled around the cage as he was unceremoniously carried into a large room. This place had tech in it that looked to be from a far future. Computers, special equipment, screens floating in the air, and glassed in smaller rooms where cords hung from the ceiling. In the back of the room were six containment units, each holding one of the Morphon avatars in specialized stasis, depending on their unique powers. EB was slammed down on a pedestal in the middle of the room.

“Hey, I like the idea of leaving and all, but I get space-sick. No off-earth travel, thanks. Just open a door and I’ll be on my way.”

Dr. Osteen pressed a button that activated a menacing laser carried by an arm attached to the high ceiling. “Oh, don’t worry about space travel. This anti-magic beam will turn you into ashes. At least that’s the theory. So, you will be a test subject. Goodbye, you chattering, annoying…”

“Now, now. That isn’t how we treat such honored guests.” Commander Delta came in and causally yanked the control out of Osteens’ hand.

“I want to test it on this subject.”

“No. We will not vaporize the Easter Bunny. He’s too valuable.”

EB said, “At least someone gets it. I’m a big time celebrity and…”

Delta leaned over and glared at EB. “You’re only alive because you’re connected to BADGE and we need your information.”

EB folded his tiny arms. “Well, you aint gett’n it from me. No, sir. Nuh uh.”

“We’ll see.” Delta snapped back around to Osteen. “Put him with the others and restrain him so he can’t talk.”

Osteen grumbled while he took the cage and placed it next to The Avatar of Strength.

“Osteen, we have the last of our subjects to begin phase 3 of the project. Get to work.”
