Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Heroes Rising Fiction: The Gathering Storm Part 2

 Nova walked across an artificial island in the middle of the ocean. It was massive, with a pyramid shaped building in the center. Small parks were on each side, with landing platforms stuck out over the water. The entire island sat on a metal base that had pillars going deep into the waters. Flags from almost every nation on Earth flew around the main building.

With a heavy sigh, Nova sat down on a bench near a glistening clear pond that had lilies planted around it. A single blue duck bobbed in the tiny waves.

Flicking open the comm device on his wrist, Nova said, “Shuttle five, you can return and pick me up.”


The duck waded toward him. “This place sucks. The water smells like chlorine and the lilies are all plastic.”

Nova laughed, “this whole place is like that, fake.”

The duck flashed and became Quark, who stood knee deep in the pond. “So, how’d it go in there?”

“Bad. I don’t like this new organization. There is something about them that simply doesn’t feel right. But, I can’t put my finger on it.”

“What did they have to say about their men attacking the station?”

“Not much. They seemed genuinely surprised by what I had to tell them, but then didn’t want to believe me. That’s when their head judge showed up and she is a real piece of work.”

“Oh? Is she cute?”

Nova gave Quark a snarly glance. “Hardly. She is arrogant, pushy, and obviously doesn’t like BADGE. She accused me of lying about the whole situation.”

“What? How?”

“Just like a good politician, with dismissive words and double talk. She didn’t come right out and say we were lying or staged the event, but she might as well have. I doubt we’re going to get much help from them. And, now, we have to return their men.”

“Like hell! Those guys are in for some serious questioning.”

Nova said, “I’m angry too. But, if we don’t play their game for now, they could cause us trouble. The last thing we need is diplomatic troubles in the middle of this investigation.” Nova hit his fist against the bench, “if we only had something to go on! More information.”

“I know.” Quark sat next to him. “It’s been three months and no one can find any of the avatars or EB. Those mercenaries have all vanished, and Arx knows nothing of value. Trust me, I’ve probed that doofuses mind like a hundred times. What isn’t empty space is filled with popcorn. Whoever did this to him, kept their secrets well hidden.”

Nova nodded. “Arx was a guinea pig. They promised him glory. In exchange, he let them experiment on him. I’ve seen this kind of crap go down a dozen times. The moment they got the info they needed, their promises dry up and their guinea pig was abandoned.”

Quark said, “I just want to know how they can be powerful enough to keep someone like EB hostage. That little guy is seriously strong. He’s a Mythic.”

Nova stood when the shuttle appeared over the island. “They are able to hide from the dozens of heroes searching for them using powers of all kinds. This has given them the one thing that is the most dangerous for a villain to have...time. The longer they work on their plans, the more likely they are to succeed.”

Nova and Quark boarded the shuttle.

“Why did they make you send our shuttle away?”

Nova let out a snarky sigh, “only World Corps ships may land or dock on their private little island. I think they just wanted to make it harder for us since they don’t like us.”

“Well, I’m learning I don’t like them right back.” Quark clicked his belt.

Nova sat down and waved at the robot, “get us back to the station.”


Quark asked, “where are Chase and Gar?”

“They should be back from Neo Utopia now that the situation there is cleaned up. They’ll meet us at the station.”

Quark said, “we will make new plans and figure this out.”

“We have to. This dark organization has remained ahead of us for too long. I want them brought down, I want… our people back.” He seemed to be covering his real thoughts.

Quark smiled at him. “Admit it, you miss EB.”

“I don’t like leaving anyone behind.”

“EB is your longest, closest friend.”

Nova huffed, “he is an annoying, energetic, annoying…”

“You said that twice.”

“I meant to. EB is one of the oldest friends I have ever had. He bothers the hell out of me most days, but I appreciate him. I honestly never thought he could be caught by a human or hero. He is fast and powerful. It scares me that this group of people have the technology to capture him and hold him hostage. And, I’ll admit that I owe him many times over for saving me, BADGE, our heroes, the world, and so much more. He must be so scared right now.”

Quark said, “careful, Nova, that almost sounded sincere.”

“It was. I will deny it the moment I see that bunny, but he is my friend and I know he actually cares about me. Which isn’t the easiest thing to do. I won’t let him be hurt by these people.”

“With any luck, he is talking their ear off so badly that they will throw him out just to get him to shut up.”


A teenager ran across an open field near Enid, Oklahoma. He skidded to a stop and then bent his knees and jumped five miles in one bound. His hands were aglow with light and his long, dark hair flew

around in the wind. He landed in a cloud of dust next to a small row of homes surrounded by open plains.

“HEY, GUYS! CHECK IT OUT!” He was waving a paper wildly.

Several people came out of the homes, all covered in oil stains.

“What’s all the yell’n, Dakota?” An older guy asked. "What're you wearing? Is that a swimsuit?"

Dakota showed off his skin-tight outfit. "This is my supersuit."


Dakota shoved the paper toward the man. “I got this today. It’s official!”

The man took the paper and read it aloud to the others. “Dear Dakota Brown, BADGE has reviewed your recent morphonic energy scans and has cleared you for a two semester education on the BADGE space station. Please, report to the local Fight Club in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to register with a BADGE official for transportation. Signed, BADGE Corps Recruit Center.”

A different man asked, “what’s this bout? I thought they required heroes to be educated up there or something like that? This sounds like you applied.”

Dakota snatched his coveted letter and smiled at it. “Only the real powerful ones are required to be assessed in the BADGE training program. People like me, with low levels of the Morphonic Power, must apply. Some don’t make it, but I did. In a year I’ll be in a League, might even be competing in League Wars!”

A younger man pushed his way to the front. “Oooh, can ya get me that Chase’s autograph?”

A different man said, “to hell with her autograph. Can ya get me her number?”

A woman in overalls shoved a man aside and said, “ferget that Chase chick. I wanna meet that Gargoyle feller. I’d like to polish his boulders if ya know what I mean?” Everyone gave off a round of lewd laughter.

Dakota remained serious. “I will be call’n it quits, boss. No more oilfields for me. I’m heading into town to buy some new clothes and get my stuff in order to leave.”

The boss took Dakota around the shoulders. “How bout we buy you a round to celebrate. Yer gonna make one hell of a hero, kid.”

Dakota left his crew of oilfield workers and made yet another giant leap toward town. He landed in an open parking lot. He folded the letter up, tucked it away in his overalls, and strutted into town, feeling about twenty feet tall.

“Dakota Brown?” A man in a dark suit asked.

“Who’s ask’n?”

The man smiled, “I’m with BADGE.”

“Oh, really. I was expect’n ta head over to the Fight Club and register.”

“No need. Come with me.” The man escorted him around a building and toward a car in the back.

Sliding into a seat he frowned at the men dressed in dark combat uniforms. “What’s going on?”

Before he could get an answer, they pressed something into his neck, and he passed out.
