Tuesday, February 8, 2022

PIMP Productions: An Interview by the Mayor

By: CJ
Island: 11504
The camera pans open to an image of mayor justice sitting calmly behind his regal desk wearing a ric flair-ish robe, feathered fedora and jeweled pimp cane. The stamp for his production company “politically incorrect mayor productions” (P.I.M.P.) flashes across the screen with the sound effect for peacemaker screaming “eat peace mother£^[#€R”.
Mayor: today we bring to you, in as PG-13 format as I know how to make it. A trio of in game characters, a leading source on building in game on a budget, an in game content creator, author and personality, Mark…Alan… Bisanz.
Mr. Bisanz, you control in game Starmaster, Silver Paladin and Madam Marvelous. All three have made a minor at least stamp on the game for various reasons. Star master as perhaps one of the first true non merit monster toons to join avengers. Yet a toon who has managed to hold its own in that arena. The toon is an enigma. Tell me truthfully how much has been spent on star master? I’m interested in the parts that make this toon. Like, what percentage of its inventory do you believe you grinded for in game? I ask because it relates to a future question.
Mr. bisanz: starmaster (one word) is my original toon for the game. I've spent a fair amount on him. In the almost two years I've played him, it might be fair to say 50/month, but less recently. A fair amount also came from writing articles about his league war experiences, trying to build a league, and other game relevant topics. Most of his gear is from the shuffle, and sometimes he's gotten lucky. Over time, he had managed to collect a fair amount of gear with damage bonuses to the same element, so that has really helped his League War efforts. Oh, and speaking of him, can't forget-- Hail Hydra.
Mayor: Secondly, silver paladin recently ranked second in a raid. And as many do discovered the efforts were for nought. Having harvested no gear from said raid despite attacking efforts. This is a cry often heard by many in the ranks. It almost unilaterally is believed that these drop rates should be improved. The reality is OUR raids. Are not the raids of the past. OUR raids are summoned by developers and are 5 or 6 at best times a year. They are uncommon and serious effort is done to complete them. What do you believe a fair middle ground is between what players want and what we currently have?
Personally I feel either across the board raising of the drop rate or a maximum damage equals 100% drops of various gears, stated in the raid description. Tell me your thoughts?
Mr.Bisanz: RAID events. They are what should be a huge draw to participate in for a game like this. RAID should be synonymous with BIG REWARDS for effort. First, if I had my way about it, RAID gear would be much, much better. What you get from defeating a major Supervillain should be worth having. They are the biggest and the baddest, so why is it that they have the crappiest drops. Their gear should be top notch. Second, make the percentages cumulative on a majority of the power cards. A player who expends maximum effort should be rewarded, not end up with huge XP gains for less rewards. If you are going to level a time or two while participating in a raid, your reward should be at least 10+ quality Power Cards to benefit your character/level. You add 15 cards each time you level, as I'm sure you know, so when you only get 4 or 5, you end up shortchanging yourself compared to how you could get items otherwise. Third, I like the idea of two raid groups, but I think you should be able to choose which one you will fight in. Strong low level toons should be able to fight higher and free-budget players who are weak should be able to use the lower battle to get good rewards that help them compete.
Mayor: Madam marvelous many months ago won a villains incorporated sponsored contest. It was a fiction contest. In my assessment, yours was the superior story in all regards. It was as blow out a victory as could be imagined. It was just a better story and many in VI felt it uniquely captured our true spirit. That of juvenile delinquents given power. What was your muse for this tale?
Mr. Bisanz: Sherlock. The modern version has Sherlock as a Consulting Detective and Moriarty ends up being a Consulting Criminal. Applying the idea of a 911 for villains for the contest flowed out of that inspiration.
Mayor: You have basically made an in game living off of hustling and grinding on game development features. It’s not gone unnoticed. Writing descriptions and articles to lessen the work load on actual game developers, and you seem to be rewarded well for it. As are many others. It’s an aspect of the game that is appreciated. Is there anything in the current development of the game you wish were moving in a different direction. Or something you believe development of is long over due? Something you believe could be a game changer?
Mr. Bisanz: I joined HR because I am a fan of the Superhero genre. It allowed me to recreate an RP character I enjoyed in my youth and breathe new life into him. And I am an overall creative person who is trying to build my writing skill, so taking part in the contests or doing POV stories of my characters helps me on both fronts. I'm also a big fan of participation. If there is an opportunity to do something to help the game and your character to be more fun, then I say go for it. As for the direction of the game, that's a good question. I think the best way I've heard it put is that the game needs more SUPER to it. Content is key. There need to be more patrols or missions, each one focusing on a BIG BAD of the month. Maybe even some Mini-bosses of the week. More elements of the Superhero genre need to be added, such as the ability to upgrade gear, developing personalized powers, and more uses for HQs. What if each month a band of NPC villains attacked player HQ's, rather than PvP only?
Mayor: Interestingly enough a form of this has been recommended in the recent past. The prior manifestation of the game had “the seven deadly sins” most players have superseded the power levels of original npc’s such as the void. The game needs a new level of big bass that are a difficult task for even the best of the best. Something to continue building towards. A new version of the seven deadly sins.
For a very long time it seemed avengers were the untouchable in the game. That water is murky these days. Who do you believe is the most influential league in the game currently? And is it simply a matter of being D1 champ or bust? Or is their other factors that play in?
Mr. Bisanz: I think it depends on if the PvP of League Wars is the main attraction of the game. For many players it is. I still think the Avengers are extremely influential, but that is because I see and hear from them. WMD Black Order is clearly a top-rated league, but what do they do other than take Division 1? I don't know much of what they do as a league beyond my interactions with one of their members. Same thing with 5th Precinct. It seems like they have become insular and only communicate with themselves. The days of friendly rivalries seems to have passed. It is cutthroat us against everyone else except for a few individuals. Villains Inc. members seem to be a driving force behind influencing the game recently, always trying to stir the pot. I wish there were more opportunities for leagues to stand out. Where are the rewards for long-term membership to an organization?
Mayor: The question that branches off of the earlier question for star master… in a game such as this. You have no less than 3 castes. You have people that are least in number, people that spend 100 bucks a week at times.
You have a group of casual spenders that in a successful game should be a majority of your population. These persons spend occasionally, 25 bucks here and there but out value the whales in sheer volume. They are hybrid players. Spenders and grinders and should be your life’s blood. And then you have truly free players that just casually play. Aren’t heavily invested, just want to have fun and provide food for the two castes above happily. What do you believe can be done to nurture and bolster the numbers of these three groups?
What group do you feel is most important to a games development and success?
Mr. Bisanz: I've had some experience with marketing and product development in RL, so I feel like I have ideas that would positively contribute to this topic. First, there needs to be better drive to get and retain new players. I feel that most new toons are alts for people wanting to try new builds. That means that early activities need to onboard new players and make them want to continue playing. That isn't going to happen as long as quality opportunities are bottlenecked by level campers. Slow leveling is one thing, but no-leveling is only going to push new players out when they continuously can't make headway. Second, there need to be clearly defined rules and information for them. There are too many secrets or pitfalls that stifle a new player's enjoyment of the game. I hate to think how many Morphon Points are foolishly spent by new players advancing cards that have no use. Cards like Slip Pulse and early Power Cards from Missions and Patrols shouldn't have the ability to tier. Low level cards like that should only display MP resale prices. Third, more content to keep people interested. The same three events every three months is wearing on long term players. The game is becoming a grind to some people. The game seems to thrive with fresh challenges. Patrol's introduction last year did good things. People loved the trick or treating introduced last year. Great. Tug of War events, not so much. Those need either revamping or left to die.
Mayor: Rapid fire questions. Don’t think. Just react. Don’t worry about hurt feelings. Rivalries make life.
Best over all player in the game… total package in every regard?
Mr. Bisanz: Trace is great. He puts himself out there in many ways, from being DewBee to his advice as Hanzo.
Mayor: Most over rated player?
Mr. Bisanz: Hard to say. I don't know as many players by name and most people have been behaving recently. But that is probably because the last person I had issues with blocked me. Bye bye Kim Horn
Mayor: Most helpful player in regards to helping new players and creating an environment for growth of player base?
Mr. Bisanz: Trace, Alan Gunhouse, you, Chris Evans
Mayor:Player you absolutely can not stand? Don’t look at management. We all know there is someone you can’t stand. There is someone we alllllll can’t stand. I’m trying to help you help them not be so unlikeable lmao. I got like 6 of em’.
Mr. Bisanz: ole shoey
Mayor: Kiss, marry, kill (google it if you don’t know what that is) star master, silver paladin, madam marvelous.
Mr. Bisanz: that’s just a wrong question to ask. Madam marvelous is a teenage girl.
Mayor: How’s her cardio? In a zombie apocalypse could prove useful to trip her. You don’t have to be the fastest, just can’t be the slowest?
Mr. Bisanz: She would just shapeshift into a zombie and join them as they ate me.
Mayor: There you have it folks. Madam marvelous is apparently not the weakest link. As always I thank my gracious guest for his candid and insightful responses. May your days as a member of heroes rising be long and friendships made forever.
