Monday, February 28, 2022

Prepare for league wars by Cr@z¥

Cr@z¥ #20314
As a player, Patrols, Gyms, and Missions are a good way to prepare for LWs just collecting all the free goodies they offer. Cards from gyms, MPs from all 3, cards that sell for MPs, and consumables you can't get otherwise. This is just the tip of the iceberg everyone plays in their own way and does things a little bit different. Using these to your advantage also has its disadvantage if you want to hold level over time because it is a continuous source of experience. At the same time standing still your toon is either falling behind or costs you $$$$ to stay at the top of your game.
Taking your free gains and using them to max potential growth can be a bit overwhelming but some new features make it a lot easier to see and understand what will help you the most. In powers the new tab shows you what powers are in play in each section attack, defense, and move. Look at the bottom of each to see where you can use the most help. If you have enough cards and don't want to go with cards the next idea I would have is gear. Set up for different Gyms looking at what gear you could use in the store and narrow it down to the gear you could use in battle as well. Once you get it narrowed down to what you need and can use start patrols trying to build up them certain gym skills you have prepared for and best suited for. Collecting the free MPs and possible cards from gyms can definitely help push your toon to new heights.
Patrols: patrols offer consumables, gear, cards, MPs, and access to Gyms for building up skills, or trying to take ownership of the gym. The consumables vary some are specific for Gyms others are good for limited events and lots can make an impact on LWs since not all have an expiration date and can be saved specifically for LWs. Half the time I don't use them for LWs but in preparation for LWs fighting the 150 events for better cards or in special events or raids even. The cards to small to make the cut get sold off and repurposed when it can be used to grow.

50 day log in challenge is also a really good way to prepare for league wars for anyone. It offers a ring and a core each run plus cards and MPs so for any free or new players it's a gold mine offering 6 cores and rings if you do it all 6 runs. 300 days in just logging in you end up with over 200 MPs 12 ok cards 6 different cores and 6 rings. That's one heck of a good way to start off preparing for LWs. Using these free rewards you should be able to start beating bosses in missions by swapping gear around and starting to learn how the gear works in battle vs different opponents.
Last few little blips to cover really fast make sure as you level your friends list keeps up with you level to optimize growth. Bank your Bux frequently and consider running a deficit during LWs if you don't have enough cards better than the highest Bux card offered in the store for your level once it's at tier 5.
HQ building can help slow down the experience gain but you have to toggle the button in the building to get negative XP instead of plus XP if you use the building. Also it's individually not for the whole group you choose if you want + or - by the toggle button in the building.

To all the best of luck hope this helped and if I missed anything chime in and point it out.