Thursday, March 30, 2023

Heroes Rising Fiction: Eye of Fenrir Part 9

 Chase ran to Midgard as Nova stood, holding the Eye of Fenrir.

“Oh, God.” She gasped at the sight of all the blood.

Midgard growled out, “I’ll live, but that bastard will not get away with this.”

Nova looked down at his victim. “I could have killed you. I wanted to see if you could take genuine pain for once in your life.”

“PAIN! I’LL SHOW YOU... ACK!” Midgard tried to move, but his wound prevented him from his attempt at throttling Nova.

Nova turned around and strolled away. “It is over, BADGE. There is nothing left for you to hope for.”

Chase stood and pointed her gun at Nova. “I will not let you take that to her. I saw your past. I know how dangerous it will be.”

Nova looked at her with a dismissive gaze. “What are you prattling about?”

“I know you were the one who brought that here, that you had it hidden. It scared you, which means I cannot simply let it go.”

Nova came close to her, the gun inches away from him. “I don’t care what you think you know. But, I do know that you... none of you, have it within you to kill your beloved Director. I am going to turn and walk away, graciously allowing you to live for today. But know I will bring you down if you try to stop me.”

Chase had tears in her eyes as she looked at him, the terrible image of pulling that trigger flooding her mind. Her hand trembled as it lowered.

Midgard said to the others, “Listen to him, you’re no match for what he is. I should know.”

Nova quietly turned from her and walked away. Everyone lost heart at the sight of his exit. So they had spent so much time searching for him, and now he was right there before them and all they can do was watch him leave again.

The echoing sounds of sonic booms broke the moment. Each one grew louder than the last as something approached. Even Nova stopped and turned around at the sound of this.

“What trickery is this?” He asked.

Before anyone could figure out what was happening, a white blur hit him so hard that he flew fifty yards across the ground and rolled. A final sonic boom echoed around them, destroying trees, scattering gravel, and forcing everyone to grab their heads in pain.

When Nova came to a stop in the field, EB sat on his chest and was yelling, “I FOUND HIM! I GOT HIM! BUDDY! I’M HERE TO SAVE YOU FROM THAT NASTY, AWFUL, HORRIBLE, UGLY, NASTY....I ALREADY SAID THAT, UH...OH, WHO CARES! I FOUND YOU!!!” He grabbed Nova and held him like a sad puppy finally in his owner’s arms.

“GET OFF ME!” Nova shoved and fought against the bunny.

“I’m never letting you go, buddy!” EB stayed attached as Nova got up and attempted to pry the bunny off his chest.

Chase called out, “EB! You can’t help him! Get back here!”

“Listen to her, you annoying little rodent!” Nova yelled.

EB dropped off and smiled at Nova. “Oh, you don’t mean that. Though it’s so nice to hear that irate tone again. I missed you.”

“I didn’t miss you. Go, leave. I’m done here.” Nova turned around and bounced off an invisible barrier.

EB clapped his paws together and a golden cord around his waist trapped Nova. “Nope. I gotcha. You’re coming home with me. We’re gonna make you all better and then go give that witch what’s coming to her.” As he said this, he was dragging Nova across the ground by an invisible force connected to that cord he had materialized.

“YAH!” Nova thrust his arms out and the cord burst apart. “Enough of this! I am leaving, and if you don’t stop trying to keep me here, you’re going to see exactly how mad I can get.”

EB turned, a strikingly angry look on his face. “You don’t realize that I am not the Easter Bunny, I am a Vexillian. I fought off Legion and survived to tell the tale. I faced Jinn, Krampus, and all the other jerks who have come up against BADGE. Don’t mess with me. You are coming back to the station.” EB thrust his paws forward and a magical force struck Nova.

“EB stop! You don’t know what you’re dealing with!” Chase said.

“PSSH! I can deal with this.” He summoned two eggs and threw them just as Nova got back to his feet. Both eggs exploded on contact, emitting clouds of colorful gas.

Nova wavered and seemed as though he were about to collapse when he shook it off and pulled out his sword.

EB laughed, “Weapons against me! HA! Just try to hit me!” He went to top speed, dashing around Nova, throwing eggs periodically as he went by.

Nova swung his blade, but kept missing. He would stumble to the side this way and that as eggs exploded against him. Another golden cord appeared and wrapped around him ten times, binding his arms to his sides and pulling him down into a sitting position.

EB stopped, holding the end of that cord. “See, I gotcha.”

All at once, Nova became a blinding light, and the surrounding cord dissolved away. Everyone had to cover their eyes at the sight of his power. The light rose, growing brighter as it did.

Chase looked up into the light for a brief moment and then cried out in pain.

The voice of Nova, now a thundering boom, came through the light. “I will not be stopped! You are nothing compared to me!”

EB shrunk away, covering his eyes. “Buddy... please, stop.”

The light vanished, and Nova stood there, simply in his exquisite suit. However, he was just as bewildered as everyone else.

“What just happened?” He asked.

Helicopters appeared from visibility blocking shields and lowered. A dozen finely dressed soldiers descended on ropes, each brandishing AMA weapons. A cloud of black smoke appeared. From within strode Lady Echidna in a red dress with a devilish mask on her face. Her diamonds sparkling in the light of day.

“Now, now, my love. What did I say about using your real power?”

EB threw an exploding egg at Lady Echidna, but Nova swiped his cane and deflected it.

She turned with a chortling laugh. “Nice try, little bunny.”

Nova carefully pulled out the Eye of Fenrir from his pocket. “My lady, I found what you desire.”

“Ah, the beauty. I did make such wonderful trinkets back in those days, did I not?” She did not touch it just yet.

Chase said, “please, don’t.”

Midgard, still on the ground, said, “Don’t let her touch it.”

The BADGE agents moved to stop her, but her soldiers drew closer.

She smiled at Midgard. “It is not time for the end. There is so much more to do. But for now. Perhaps a taste.” She snapped her fingers and her soldiers all grabbed their ropes and returned to the helicopters that brought them.

Nova stood next to her and smiled at them. “It’s been fun. I do hope you live through this.”

With that, Lady Echidna held his arm, and both vanished in a puff of black smoke. The smoke did not blow away, but continued to grow. In fact, it grew exponentially. Two red eyes appeared within.

EB ran toward Chase, “It’s another Krampus!”

Midgard whispered, “No, that’s not Krampus. This is much, much worse. That’s Fenrir.”
