Saturday, March 4, 2023


BY: Todd Goode id# 12205

Mitsurugi watches as a ragged and filthy young boy, maybe all of 10-12 years old, practicing some sort of kata outside in an alley by his rickety shack. He watches as the young one makes many mistakes performing the kata but is pleased to see that the kid keeps trying to improve, but so many mistakes make Mitsurugi annoyed. Mitsurugi can no longer watch the kid make so many mistakes and confronts the kid.

Mitsurugi goes outside near the kid and groans loud enough for the kid to notice.

Mitsurugi speaks sternly, "What is your name child and what are you trying to accomplish with all that flailing around?"

The kid says, "I am Miyamoto Musashi, and I am training to fight against the Legion when I am bigger and learn more. I even have a special power already. I can make my skin turn into metal. It just happened one day when I was being bullied by the older boys, The bully hit me in the face but broke his hand and I didn't even feel it."

"Well well, young Miyamoto, that is impressive, but you will need more than that metal skin and mediocre kata to defeat the Legion", replied Mitsurugi.

Mitsurugi says, "I will offer you a deal. I am looking for a helper in my armory dojo. I need someone to clean, help me organize items and run errands and occasionally, find and escort warriors from the town square here to buy my goods from my armory."

"If you can handle this job, I will in return give you a roof to stay dry under, food to fill your belly and from time to time, teach you special moves during our regular training."

Young Miyamoto quickly seized this opportunity, if for nothing else, a home and food.

"I accept, says Miyamoto."

Mitsurugi smiles, "Good, you can start now. Take these sale posters and hang them around the town square. I only have a few special scrolls remaining for Energy Deflection to sell. Escort any interested warriors back here. Go now and get started."

Miyamoto asks, "What is energy deflection? Can you teach me too?"

Mitsurugi answers, "I am sorry young Miyamoto. You do not possess the necessary level of strength to perform this. When you gain the strength, it will be the first special power I will teach you. Call it a perk for doing a good job. I won't even charge you this time. Normally, warriors have to pay for power scrolls."

"This scroll is for energy deflection. It is a defense power that allows a warrior to deflect an opponent's energy blast and when mastered, some higher-level warriors can even deflect a blast back onto their opponent."

"One scroll for energy deflection cost 56 pieces of gold or 224 pieces of gold for a special deal of 5 scrolls. Upgrading scrolls and training cost 19 gold pieces extra per scroll, but it is well worth it."

"I only have 470 scrolls left and when you hang these posters, they will sell out quickly. Go now and get it done. The faster you do this, the faster we can work on getting you strong enough to use it."

Miyamoto says excitingly as he takes off, running towards the town square, "I will not let you down Weapon Master."