Thursday, February 29, 2024

Airline Stability Atlas 02/26/2024

Lykos ID: 18321

The Airline Stability Atlas of 02/26/2024 is complete and we unfortunately just missed our target goal of 13,500,000 people saved. Instead, we hit 13,013,560. I am not sure, but I think that means we let 486,440 people die. Oops.

Let's take a look at the real heroes who put their busy lives on hold to try and rescue as many people as possible. In our lowest division, Division 4, we had only 11 participants giving nearly everyone a nice prize. The 1 - 10th place winners are as follows for Division 4:

(Overall Rank / Div / DivRank / Hero / People saved /Hits / Score Percentile)

60 4 1 Wicked Samurai 11,487 36 0.09%
65 4 2 Justin Case 8,628 95 0.07%
79 4 3 Yan Given-Man 4,692 90 0.04%
93 4 4 Rabid Raccoon 3,479 15 0.03%
114 4 5 Mr Dev 1,072 5 0.01%
120 4 6 Zombie 379 7 0.00%
138 4 7 Crimson Silk 150 1 0.00%
144 4 8 Midnight Hour 141 1 0.00%
145 4 9 Nada Know 141 1 0.00%
162 4 10 Arnold Greyskull 66 1 0.00%

Lets give a warm honorable mention to Zyxw Man for 11th place though.

Division 3 saw a lot more participants with 57 operatives helping to save lives. Our top ten here is as follows:

(Overall Rank / Div / DivRank / Hero / People saved / Hits / Score Percentile)

22 3 1 ‡☠Yojimbo☠ ‡ 93,666 330 0.72%
23 3 2 ‡ ☠"OVERCAST"☠ ‡ 92,797 377 0.71%
43 3 3 Đ₳rK ]v[ystเc 35,895 127 0.28%
54 3 4 DARK VADER 14,408 75 0.11%
61 3 5 Valliss 10,862 38 0.08%
68 3 6 Wulfrik MacGregor 7,274 75 0.06%
69 3 7 Angelus 7,272 75 0.06%
72 3 8 Aisy 6,723 75 0.05%
74 3 9 MechaOgre 6,468 75 0.05%
77 3 10 SOUP 4,989 90 0.04%

While no one broke 100,000 saved, Yojimbo and Overcast did an amazing job.

Division 2 saw slightly less participants than 3 with 53 total. The lives saved were much higher for this heroic set of operatives though. Here are your Top Ten heroes for Division 2:

(Overall Rank / Div / DivRank / Hero / People saved / Hits / Score Percentile)

15 2 1 ‡ ☠Puff,Puff,"Give"!☠ ‡ 185,157 524 1.42%
16 2 2 <<ü>>Princess Sarai<<ü>> 157,089 270 1.21%
17 2 3 DOOM 148,035 413 1.14%
27 2 4 Temujin 80,936 210 0.62%
31 2 5 ♦ ULTRA INSTINCT ♦ 71,398 135 0.55%
32 2 6 Bozo :(: 68,527 382 0.53%
35 2 7 agent delta :): 64,317 368 0.49%
40 2 8 winter's knight 48,267 180 0.37%
41 2 9 ☣Queen Artemisia☣ 45,114 60 0.35%
42 2 10 Harry F Reak 42,767 133 0.33%

Three heroes broke the 100K mark so a harty Congrats and Thank you to Puff, Princess Sarai, and Doom!

Division 1 is where all the big hits took place, as you would expect it to be. While there are only 44 participants in this division, they took the lions share of people saved. Looking at the numbers, many people will be going home to their loved ones thanks to these heroes.

(Overall Rank / Div / DivRank / Hero / People saved / Hits / Score Percentile) 1 1 1 ~666~ B$C ♦♞♦ 1,798,785 1,905 13.82%
2 1 2 ➶➴ ♦Magnificent Punlork♦ ➷➹ 1,544,767 1,941 11.87%
3 1 3 Sarg 1,310,248 1,635 10.07%
4 1 4 SHINOBI 1,115,224 1,455 8.57%
5 1 5 ZANAZOLA MERLIO 714,014 990 5.49%
6 1 6 ][☣][ §レαgα†h⊕☈ ][☣][ 559,239 585 4.30%
7 1 7 Mahham/Santa Hulk 539,472 630 4.15%
8 1 8 Φωτιά και θειάφι 539,275 1,140 4.14%
9 1 9 Hard Left Hook 511,391 570 3.93%
10 1 10 Bartman ⁵ᵗʰ 352,032 639 2.71%

Due to the sheer awesomeness found in Division 1, we dont measure in breaking the 100k, but by those who broke the 1 million mark. Our top four participants here are ~666~ B$C, Punlork, Sarg, and Shinobi all breaking that magic barrier of 1 million. Kudos to the 4 of you and a Huge thank you to all the heroes who participated this Atlas. I hope to see YOUR name on that top 10 list for your division in the coming weeks and months.

The next Atlas will be on 03/02/2024 at 10 AM Server time and it is the Aliens!! This will be an "Attack" event so get your Attack decks ready!

Attack Cards will be boosted by: Weaken Foe Defense % effects

Defense Cards will be boosted by: Resist Tech effects

Movement Cards will be boosted by: Stun effects