Friday, February 23, 2024

Heroes Rising is now available as a mobile app!

Greetings Heroes!

The fabled day is upon us! Heroes Rising is officially available as a mobile app! It has been a long time coming, and I'm sure for most if you already playing... not too much is different, other than a few improved interface updates AND a very well loved feature is finally back, only accessible within the mobile app: the ability to watch video ads for rewards! So please, if you play on a mobile device, give the app a download - you SHOULD be able to find it just through searching your respective app store, but the links are also below (and available in-game on the home page if you are playing in mobile and not in-app). Logging in for the first time, you will see yourself as a brand new toon, but you can immediately just click the settings icon in the upper right, and click the button for "Linked Character Accounts" - this will allow you to override the new toon with your current toon, you will just need to enter your login credentials (note, this must use the internal email/password system rather than facebook login, so if you may need to setup your email/password prior if you have not done so yet, which you can do from your profile page. Just comment here or send me a message if you need any help linking your account.)

The Mobile App is still in its infancy, so please report any bugs you come across, or ideas for interface improvements (already looking at the avatar creator, I am thinking that thing needs a big time mobile update so I can see what I am changing without having to scroll up and down) - in March, we will begin marketing and advertising the apps to try and bring in new players. I hope you will enjoy the new app, and if you do, please consider giving it a (hopefully positive) review, as reviews and downloads will greatly help put eyeballs on the game and can be a deciding factor in whether or not a new player will give it a shot! Growing the community will be beneficial to everybody, and in addition to helping grow the community through feedback, there is also a new player referral system setup! Each player has a unique referral code, which you can give to friends and enemies alike, who are starting new toons - you will both get bonus Morphons when their character reaches level 50 and level 100, as well as additional Morphons commensurate with any purchases they end up making! You can find your referral code at the bottom of the Morphons screen, and new players will be able to enter the code from the same place (please note this is for entirely new human beings, not character alts - there will be internal checks made to ensure referred toons are not alts, and no rewards will be given for alts). I would love to hear feedback from entirely new players as well about the new player experience, so if you find and get brand new people playing (or perhaps people who stopped playing long ago), put them in touch with me for feedback on their experience, and both of you will receive some MPs for it!

For Android: Google Play

For iOS: Apple Store

As a final note, unrelated to the new mobile app, I just want to allude to the next big game update... the Multiverse! I am sure many of you out there understand the basics of a multiverse in comics/media - an alternate universe where alternate versions of characters exist. What does this mean for Heroes Rising? Well, it will be something akin to "seasons" seen in other games; I will give a more detailed look in a future post, since the main focus on this is the mobile app, but "Universe Prime", which is where all your characters are now, will remain as is, and a new Multiverse (i.e game server) where everybody starts off as a brand new level 1 toon will start and exist for a few months - this new multiverse will have variant rules and some unique properties, items, gear, etc, and your goal is to basically excel as best as you can in this multiverse - after a few months, the multiverse will collapse, and based on your progress, you will be able to transfer some of the things you earned on this toon to your Universe Prime toon. The purpose of the multiverse is two-fold: one, it is a fun way to add additional play time in Heroes Rising and give players a chance to try new things (run out of energy in Universe Prime? Time to head over to Multiverse A!). Two, I can introduce new features and updates into the game that exist in a temporary world, where players can play test the updates and we can get direct data and feedback about any potential changes to be made to the game, without affecting the main "Universe Prime" we all know and love, incase any new updates or features would be game breaking in some way. I have many plans and ideas for things to introduce into Heroes Rising: things that are fun, things to balance the mechanics, additional ways to inrease in power, new game modes so there is more things to do, all sorts of stuff! Right now though, I am especially hesitant about when and how to add or implement certain changes or additions without breaking anything - I want the game to evolve in a positive direction, and I try my best to ensure anything new or changes made are fair & sensical to the community and game as a whole, but I am only one person, and I don't even play the game (though I do plan on starting my own toon with the mobile app launch, see if you can find me!), so I rely heavily on community feedback. I don't want to lose the plot and I think the Multiverse is a great way for everyone to see and test out any possible changes to be made in Universe Prime before hand, and will allow us all as a community to conversate about said changes/additions - seeing updates in action is much better than just theorizing about it! So I will make a new post in March with more details about the Multiverse, and am planning/hoping to launch the first Multiverse in April - what this means for Universe Prime going forward is that there will not really be any more immediate "game changing" updates made here until it has gone through the Multiverse and had time to cook there first (except for MAYBE rare exceptions, I don't want to be a Sith and box myself in to an absolute). There will still be content updates in Universe Prime of course (new patrols, bosses, gyms, etc - new things within the already existing frameworks), just nothing that really involves "changing the code around" or adding entirely new sections; only things like Quality of Life improvements, bug fixes, technical improvements, UI revisions, that sort of thing.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to read through my wall of text! I hope you all enjoy the mobile app and improvements, and I hope we are able to grow our small but awesome community real soon! As always, thanks to everyone for their feedback, and let me know if you have any questions or comments about anything here. Thanks, Heroes! 

- Justin