Sunday, October 6, 2019

Art Post: Bulletproof

It's been a long day, I mean they got MY lunch order wrong, the boss at my day job decided it was time to audit every last line item The dry cleaners lost my favorite tights. To top off this day, I'm called in on a bank robbery. And, guess what, the moment I walk in, all four idiots open fire and unload every clip they have with them. Like, who hasn't heard of me? I am the official hero of this town. Sure, keep firing, I just love the constant annoyance of bullets bouncing off of me. I can do this all day.

This is one of my favorite pieces of art I have done recently. I wanted to do something different with the old school idea of being bullet proof. Instead of something dynamic, this is a little more comical. I love working on putting a little more personality into the characters for the power cards. Often times I notice that the art for comic-ish stuff is simply dynamic. It looks cool, but it seems to be a little over done, in my opinion. So, I want to throw in little differences. This is where I got the idea for this art.

About the art itself. As I mentioned above the attitude of the card was a large part of the consideration for how this would be done. I decided to try a different style for costume, something more athletic than comicbook hero. He's bulletproof, why would he need loads of body armor? Now, what is being bulletproof without bullets? So, I had to try something new. I was given a gift from an artist friend of mine, who happens to be an important artist for Marvel and DC...I won't drop names so he shall remain anonymous. The art is a drawing of Superman, with bullets bouncing off of him. I used that to help me study the technique. It might seem simple but I haven't done this before, so it was learning experience for me.

I hope you enjoy the card and the art.
