Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Fiction Contest Entry: What Happens in Vegas Conclusion

Thank you Powerbottom for entering the contest. Here is their story...

Summary for those who haven’t/ don’t care to read this: HERE

The Heroes Power Bottom and Under Watch have been summoned to Vegas to rescue the Physical Manifestation of Luck from a Legion Operative.

The pair are the sons of the Original Power Bottom and Lenny from Earth SHC, and have a variety of magic, elemental and supernatural powers at their disposal.

“I Can’t believe she’s calling herself Simulacra.” Leon Said while summoning his Long staff.

Lance rolled his eyes. “Same mood, Bro. Can’t believe people still advertise their powers with their names. Just once I’d like to fight a copy cat named Melt-Down.” He quipped while manifesting his spell blades. Throwing blades that allowed him to channel primal powers through them. His first Two were light and fire. He had gained an Earth blade for defeating trolls his first night out and a banishing blade for killing a Red Shirt. Red Shirts were Red Caps of Legend that had been modified by a group called the Legion to serve in their army of conquest against this Earth.

“Or a fire bender named Snowflake.” his Brother agreed whilst studying the runes of Fire, Light, Banishing, and Earth that also appeared on his staff. Evidently they were being graded as a group on their trials.

He looked outside the entrance of Caligula’s Court. The casino where they had accepted their latest challenge.

Lance made a sour face as he viewed the streets outside. Every video display between here and the Container Park downtown was issuing a cry for help from a captive power. Announcing their path to the enemy. :How Long has been held captive?: He telepathically asked his twin.

Leon answered :Gaming stopped 2 days and 18 hours ago. We have exactly six hours to free him.:

Lance continued, :Yeah, if they can keep a power from his duties for a full three days the position becomes open. Meaning this Legion can claim Luck’s power for themselves.

Shall we get started?:

:Nothing between us but Buskers, Tourists, minions, traps and at least one proper enemy. What could go wrong?: Leon snarked.
Both surrounded themselves with a lavender nimbus of power and launched themselves into the night.

More sedately another set of twins, tourists from California, a surfer and a skater, exited the casino from the back entrance and entered an uber. “Take us to the fruit loop, please.” He texted the driver. “Neither of us can speak.” The driver shrugged and turned up his radio. He never noticed that the pair of nonvocal customers were humming “Would you like to swing on a star.”

Power Bottom and Under Watch Heard screams from the Mirage. The smell of sulfur wafted their way. Underwatch smirked. “She’s making the volcano real.”

PB had his own vulpine smile. “Let’s go say hi to great grandpa.”

They swooped down towards the volcano. Dodging boulders and rescuing tourists as they approached. A showgirl was reading from a book. And gesturing at the Volcano. “You’re too late heroes. I’ve summoned fire elementals to destroy you.”

“Oh no not that.” Quipped PB “Whatever shall we do against fire elementals?”

Under Watch shouted, “ Hey Gramps. We’re in a hurry. Would you mind gathering up your toys and going home?”

The volcano sputtered to a stop and became fake once more. The emerging creatures vanished.

Except for the one that attacked them from behind.

“Not all of us willingly serve your kin fleshlings. Legion has promised the throne to any that depose your great grandfather and swear fealty to them. I will assume the throne and Fire will ravage this Earth at the behest of Legion.”

“That was unexpected, PB.” Underwatch shouted while flying towards a palatial Italian styled Hotel Casino.

“Yup, Under Watch, Do we have a plan B?” PB asked while throwing blades at the beast herding him to his brother.

Underwatch glanced at the 8 ½ acre lake containing the fountains at the Bellagio, and whispered. All 1214 water jets spurted simultaneously. Quenching the Beast. “Oh We’re well into plan B”

More screams came from Treasure Island. The pair turned in that direction.
Across town the Uber pulled into the Gipsy, a happening bar in the city’s fruit loop. The twins paid their driver. Rated him a five, Paid the bar’s cover charge and entered... Snick’s Place a quiet neighborhood bar Downtown. The pair mingled and snuck into the supply closet.

Back at TI PB and Under Watch laughed as Pirates and Sirens attacked tourists.

“She stole that from Buffy, ‘Watch. She enchanted the costumes of that show to transform the actors”

“I know, PB. They’re using pop culture as a how to guide for our Supernatural. Think we’ll get to stake a sparkler?”
“One can hope. Should end at midnight, sleep spell?”

Underwatch smashed the show’s soundboard with his staff. He then reached over and shut off the lights. “Or we could stop the show.”

PB Mocked, “Or we could stop the show.” he smiled as the actors returned to normal.”What next wack a clown at Circus Circus?”

Under Watch shuddered, “No, Tricksters have been reported to be manifesting as clowns.”

“Okay, bad idea. PB agreed. We’re clear we could do air elementals at the Stratosphere?”

“Let's head that way.”

The Californians came out of the broom closet at the drugstore across from the container park.

They glanced at the praying Mantis sculpture outside. The surfer passed his brother a dollar. “Bet you it’s a Golem.”

“I’ll take that bet.” The skater matched the dollar. The statue fell to scrap as the twins started singing. It was a song from Guys and Dolls. The pair gender flipped the lyrics from luck be a Lady to Luck be a Laddie"

“The souvenir shop?” The Skater texted.
“Most Likely.” was the response.

At the Stratosphere, Simulacra and her minions had the Twins pinned down.

The Sorceress Showgirl prepared her killing blow.

“There’s something you should know.” PB rasped.

“I’m not falling for your tricks.” She gloated as she stabbed Underwatch.

“It’s no trick.” The hero gasped as his power faded. “We’re like your rack.”

“What?” She asked slow on the uptake as She stabbed PB.

“We’re fake too.” PB snarked as blood ran down his chest. “He’s been free for hours.”

“That’s a lie!” She screamed.

Every game in the city came back online as an energy blast hit the witch. “No We’re the lie.” PB sneared as he crumbled to dust. “Illusion, Teleportation, and Luck for the win.”

The Real Heroes and Lucky watched as the would be conqueror was transformed into a slot machine. Her last words were, "The Legion shall conquer. The Legion Shall Conquer

Lucky winked at the heroes, “Now, lads, let’s go back to your rooms. Where you can really get me. Separately, and several times”

:Finally.” PB Twinned at his Brother. “Someone cares that we’re brothers.”
