Thursday, October 17, 2019

Editorial: Review of Totem of Tlanuwa

Contributed by Mark DoktorVon Rickter (aka The Vanguardian)

Gear Review: Totem of Tlanuwa

- CORE: Elemental.
- TYPE: Ring.
- ACQUIRED BY (Bux-Crystal-League War/Mission Reward-Morphon): Morphon

Before I get into the Tacticals of this Device now in available to us, I'd like to give you the Historical Significance first, since it is an Equal to the Shendit of Anubis in our Pre-Morphon Human History.

There is a Cherokee Legend of Monsters called "Uhktena"  who would "suddenly pop out of holes" that appeared as Winged Snakes with Antlers and would attack Man and Animal alike. Yet in the Elemental Balance of Natural Life, their Mortal Enemies were great, mythic Red-tailed Hawks called Tlanuwa, which only the Tribal Medicine Man could fully communicate with.

But that is only the Shaped Fashion of this ring.

It is filled with the most Reverent of Power Stones: an Ulunsuti, the most powerful thing a person can possess. Even the Medicine Men themselves carried them in a circular buckskin pouch along with a little red pigment, never kept in their home but in a safe dry place outside the house away from people: they knew themselves of that Potential for Power, be it Good or Evil, Construction or Destruction.

So if you wear this Ring, give it the Honor that it is and Fight like a Noble Brave, tooth & fingernail to the end in the Fine Traditions: you wouldn't drink your Morning Coffee out of the Cup of the Holy Grail, would you? We are fortunate enough that Legion portals in some areas have left these Ulensuti Stones behind in numbers, to be used at all...

ABILITIES: Life + 50, Super Life Bonus: 10%
As 2-D Actor & U.S. Senator Fred Thompson once said in a movie, "Rack 'em, Pack 'em and Stack 'em" between adding 50 Points to Life PLUS a Super Life Bonus {LB} of 10% which stacks onto your Health points also, working as
Ring &100 H/P Cape = 165 [100 + 50 + 15H/P~SLB%],
Ring &150 H/P Cape = 220 [150 + 50 + 20H/P~SLB%],
Ring & 200 H/P Cape = 275 [200 + 50 + 25H/P~SLB%]

ADVANTAGES: Excellent Health Points for both Beginning and Experienced Heroes, especially with the Morphon-powered 'Heart of Ice' Core which adds +6 Ele Damage to the Ring. Excellent for Lower-level Capes with a Single Ring Slot, for a Health Point source and the Crystalline 'Nuclear Powered" Core adds +4 Ele Damage as well. Quite possibly "an Always-Worn Item".

